Web Unleashed 2015

2015-09-16 00:00:00 2015-09-18 00:00:00 America/Toronto Web Unleashed 2015 By attending Web Unleashed, you will get up-to-date on the skills to push you ahead in your career. You'll also have the opportunity to network and share ideas with like-minded professionals. Toronto FITC Toronto

A Journey with React
React has been receiving a lot of buzz lately but does it live up to it? Taz was curious about this exact question and decided to embark on a journey… Read more…
Frameworks JavaScript
Tasveer Singh
A Startup’s Secret Weapon: The Product Engineer
Startups often require employees to take on multiple roles, and one such combination is for an engineer to take on product management functions. In this talk, you will learn what… Read more…
Business Work Better
Alicia Liu
Accessibility Journey at TELUS
This talk covers TELUS’ work over the past two years on shipping accessible digital products and fostering a culture of inclusive design. Our goal with accessibility (a11y) is to build… Read more…
An Intro To ES6
ECMAScript 6 is the approved and published standard for the next version of JavaScript. It offers new syntax and language features that provide new ways of tackling coding problems, and… Read more…
Foundations JavaScript
Grant Skinner
Angular AMA
Join us for this casual Q&A style b-side session with some of our presenters. Come with your questions, hang out and listen, or join in on the conversation. Read more…
The B-Side
Badass Motion Design for Front-end Developers
This talk will dissect a few web animation failures and the lessons learned from using a mash-up of techniques. It also places emphasis on a designer-mentality to animation resulting in… Read more…
Front-End Motion UX/UI
Ron Edelen
Breaking The Broken Web
The web is fundamentally broken in two deeply profound ways and unfortunately the only way we’re going to move forward is to painfully break from our past and present realities.… Read more…
Kyle Simpson
Building Isomorphic Web Applications in ReactJS/NodeJS
ReactJS finally delivers on the original promise of NodeJS: to build web applications that share code with the web server, to render dynamic pages with interactivity as easily as static… Read more…
Frameworks JavaScript
Samuel Reed
Building Your First Store with Woocommerce
Looking to expand your WordPress chops into the land of Ecommerce? WooCommerce is one of the top Ecommerce plugins forWordPress. Although the basics can be implemented out of box there is… Read more…
Kelowna Vincent
Components are the Future of the Web: It’s Going To Be Okay
Overview JavaScript innovations in 2014 coalesced on a common theme: the public release of React.js, the announcments of the roadmaps for Ember and Angular 2.0, and Google betting big on… Read more…
Tessa Thornton
Continuous Delivery of HTML5 Applications
Continuous delivery is an approach to building software in which value is added in short cycles and in such a manner that the application can be deployed at any moment.… Read more…
Agile DevOps Work Better
Yuri Takhteyev
Create a Mobile App in 45 Minutes with Ionic
There are several hybrid SDKs (Software Development Kits) out there. The Ionic Framework is an open-source hybrid mobile application development environment focusing on performance and modern web standards, integrating all… Read more…
Frameworks JavaScript Mobile
Daniel Zen
Creating 3D Components with AngularJS
3D Web UI is not a thing just seen in the movies anymore. Let’s see how we can bring two of the great Web technologies together, three.js and AngularJS, to… Read more…
JavaScript Libraries
Ayşegül Yönet
Creating a Comprehensive Social Media App Using Ionic and Phone Gap
Sprout Wellness Solutions Inc. engaged with Rangle.io in Spring 2014 to help build their first iOS and Android mobile wellness social networking application based on prior experiences with the mobile… Read more…
Business Mobile
Declare Bankruptcy on Technical Debt!
No one is paid just to deal with technical debt in an organization, and few people like doing it. Tech debt comes from a variety of places, and can pile… Read more…
Work Better
Kacey Mack
Disposable and Repeatable: Dev and Test Environments with Terraform
Terraform is a tool for automating and managing your physical and virtual servers, containers, DNS, and other resources. Start using it early to streamline your development and testing process, and… Read more…
DevOps Work Better
Sean Swehla
Do Hybrid Apps Cut it
Join us for this casual Q&A style B-Side session with some of our presenters. Come with your questions, hang out and listen, or join in on the conversation. Read more…
The B-Side
Ember/React/Angular: Go!
Join us for this casual Q&A style b-side session with some of our presenters. Come with your questions, hang out and listen, or join in on the conversation. Read more…
The B-Side
Getting Started with Angular 2
Angular 2 is a powerful framework that lets you create fast and scalable web apps with clean and readable code. With the lessons learned from previous web frameworks and the… Read more…
Frameworks JavaScript
Rob McDiarmid
Getting to Know Grunt By Writing Your Own Plugin
Sure, you use Grunt to build your projects, but have you ever wondered how it all works? Where do those Grunt plugins come from? How are they put together? What… Read more…
JavaScript Work Better
Jamie Strachan
Info-Tech Research Group
Getting Up To Speed: Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services, AWS, can be an affordable, flexible and quick way to host your next site, back up your data, or support your application. But knowing where to start… Read more…
DevOps Foundations
Mike Butcher
Gluttony of Tools
Join us for this casual Q&A style B-Side session with some of our presenters. Come with your questions, hang out and listen, or join in on the conversation. Read more…
The B-Side
Hardware Hacking for JavaScript Engineers
In the era of the Internet of Things, connecting things to the mobile devices and the web is becoming ubiquitous. You can control room light using your mobile phone. You can monitor your… Read more…
Hardware JavaScript
Tomomi Imura
Here Be Dragons – Advanced JavaScript Debugging
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep unable to find the cause of a horrendous bug in your node app? Cry no more, your tears will be reshaped into blinding swords… Read more…
Rami Sayar
How Slow Load Times Hurt Your Bottom Line
There are many compelling arguments why companies need to care about serving pages faster to their users. Countless studies have found an irrefutable connection between load times and key performance… Read more…
Business Foundations Work Better
Tammy Everts
How to Make Your Email Design Workflow Fun Again
Building emails sucks. Poor CSS support, old school HTML, tables, various email clients and platforms, writing inline CSS, multi-part mime… the list goes on. However, in today’s world we can use… Read more…
Lee Munroe
Mailgun by Rackspace
Hybrid Mobile App Choices Based on ReactJS
The rise in popularity of ReactJS has many developers looking for good hybrid mobile solutions based on ReactJS specifically. There are a couple of new mobile UI frameworks currently in… Read more…
Frameworks Mobile
Holly Schinsky
JavaScript Speech Recognition
Learn how you can use speech recognition effectively on mobile platforms. We’ll discuss what speech recognition is, and go over the current state of the W3C Web Speech API specification… Read more…
Simon MacDonald
Maintainable Style Guides
A style guide is a great collaboration tool to bridge communication gaps between business stakeholders, designers, and developers. Static or living style guides are a great place to start but become… Read more…
Bermon Painter
Making Native Browser Games in the Modern Age
When Flash fell out of popularity due to lack of mobile support, it left small game makers with a big question – use outdated technology and miss out on the… Read more…
Catt Small
Managing The Process
Project management in a studio or agency seems to be a black art. Some do it well, others struggle. There are numerous methodologies and frameworks out there to manage your… Read more…
Business Process Work Better
Daniel Schutzsmith
Natural Resources Defense Council
Measuring UX
User experience is the sum of a series of interaction. It’s about motivations, expectations, behaviours and attitudes, and that’s hard to quantify. In order to know whether something is working,… Read more…
Business UX/UI
Hira Javed
Modern Tools for Moving from Pixels to Prototype to Production
Front-end frameworks are becoming more accessible and design tools are looking more like IDEs. This overlap between designer and developer can be a delightful partnership or a powerful skill-set. However,… Read more…
UX/UI Work Better
Patrick Keenan
Panel: Methodologies for Modern Development
As the technologies for building Web projects continue to evolve, so do the systems to manage them. Join a panel of experts as they discuss outstanding questions and best practices… Read more…
Business DevOps Work Better
Panel: Web Accessibility Lessons and the AODA
Join accessibility professionals from Shopify, TELUS, Scotiabank and the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario (ADO) for a discussion on web accessibility, and accessible digital products. The Accessibility Directorate is the department… Read more…
Work Better
Performance in the World of HTTP 2.0
Now that HTTP 2.0 is being shipped by major browsers, developers have the opportunity to take advantage of its features for real-world performance gains. Fortunately, many of the HTTP 1.1… Read more…
Dave Methvin
jQuery Foundation
Production Workflow Best Practices
Join us for this casual Q&A style b-side session with some of our presenters. Come with your questions, hang out and listen, or join in on the conversation. Read more…
The B-Side
Project Plans and Other Bullshit
When client’s come to us for development projects, they know they want something, can’t really say what, but definitely need to know how much it’ll cost and how long it’ll… Read more…
Agile Business Work Better
Kurt Krumme
State of Web Design for Front-End
Join us for this casual Q&A style B-Side session with some of our presenters. Come with your questions, hang out and listen, or join in on the conversation. Read more…
The B-Side
Stellar Web Apps with Meteor.js
Meteor is an open-source, all-JavaScript platform for building reactive, top-quality web apps in a fraction of the time. Whether you’re an expert developer or just getting started, Meteor is the… Read more…
Frameworks JavaScript
Peter Pavlovich
EnerNOC, Inc.
Swaggy Layouts With Flexbox
Swaggy: [Swa gee] A combination of Swag, Awesomeness, and Happiness. Web layouts have become more and more complex as time goes by, to the point where the traditional layout techniques… Read more…
Haris Mahmood
Tales from the Ops Side: Celebrities vs Websites
A continuing series of talks presented by VM Farms, Tales from the Ops Side serves to educate developers on operational best practices for maintaining application performance, stability, and system security,… Read more…
Hany Fahim
VM Farms
The Art of Creating Meaningful Experiences
We all know technology and design are not static fields, but the pace of change is just incredible. Users are adopting a new generation technology and come to you primed… Read more…
Business UX/UI
Lanny Geffen
The Fuse Approach to Mobile App Development
Fuse has developed a declarative and intuitive JS/Markup approach to native mobile app development. We’ve taken the quick, dynamic workflow that JavaScript provides, and coupled it with a fully custom,… Read more…
JavaScript Mobile UX/UI
Jake Taylor
The Future is in Pieces
In the last few years, we’ve seen an emergence of a modular way of thinking about code and design. We’ve seen the rise of SMACSS, BEM, and Atomic Design. This… Read more…
CSS Libraries Work Better
Jonathan Snook
The Future of Digital Work
Tweet to participate and win! What does the future of digital work hold? Will AI take over? What will be the next game changer? Is working remotely going to become… Read more…
The Little Shop of TDD Horrors
When used properly, the TDD (Test Driven Development) cycle is one of the most effective ways to improve the efficiency of a team and overall code quality. However, most of the… Read more…
Work Better
Giorgio Natili
Akamai Technologies
The Shifting Nature of FED Role
Over the past few years, there has been more emphasis on the capabilities of a front-end “themer” who implements re-usable systems, over a front-end designer (FED) who challenges the norm… Read more…
Inspire UX/UI Work Better
Ron Edelen
They’re Back! Modern Tools for Static Site Development
Once upon a time, static sites were new and cool, even if very limiting. Changing them was tedious and required a lot of hand-coding or [cough] Dreamweaver design view. Eventually… Read more…
CSS JavaScript Libraries
Brian Rinaldi
Upgrading the Web
The web was originally imagined to be a simple distributed document retrieval system. It is now being used for applications that go far beyond the system’s original capabilities and intentions.… Read more…
Douglas Crockford
Web Components
Web Components provide a necessary element for large scale applications: the ability to build Web Apps as a set of encapsulated, maintainable and reusable components. In order to use Web… Read more…
Jeff Tapper
Digital Primates
Web Workers: Beyond The Wall
Jank is the enemy. Our humble browsers, for historical reasons, put their primary JavaScript execution and UI rendering on the same thread. This is the cause of much sadness. Enter… Read more…
Matt “Potch” Claypotch
Web, Native iOS and Native Android with One Ember.js App
Many companies maintain a separate repo for web and native mobile applications, and sometimes yet another for mobile web. Historically you may hear that ‘wrapped applications’ are slower and choppy.… Read more…
Frameworks JavaScript Mobile
Alexander Blom
Isle of Code
What’s New in Chrome DevTools?
As the complexity of the web apps you build keeps moving, so do the Chrome DevTools. In this session, Addy will give you the latest update on your favourite companion;… Read more…
JavaScript Libraries Work Better
Addy Osmani
What’s New with Unity 5.2 Including WebGL
In this session, senior Unity evangelist Mark Schoennagel will take you on a tour of what’s new and exciting within the popular cross-platform Unity game engine. Mark will highlight new… Read more…
Mark Schoennagel
Unity Technologies
Why TypeScript?
TypeScript is a type-checked superset of JavaScript that benefits medium-sized to complex JavaScript projects. Why would you want to learn a new language, instead of another JavaScript framework? You have… Read more…
Jeff Francis
Flipp Corporation
WordPress: Facets and Taxonomies
Anyone can put up a website now with WordPress, but not everyone can design it. This isn’t just about what colours to use, or what font to choose. What about… Read more…
Shanta R. Nathwani
Sheridan College
Workshop – Building Web Apps with Node.JS for Web Designers
This workshop is being held on Tues Sept 15th from 1pm to 5pm Seating is limited – Free to Attend – RSVP This workshop will teach how to develop web… Read more…
JavaScript Workshop
Rami Sayar
Workshop – React
Please note: This is a full day workshop to be held on Tuesday September 15 from 10:00am to 5:00pm and is available to holders of the The Works and Workshop Only tickets. This workshop… Read more…
Nick Van Weerdenburg
Your UX is Not My UX
Start thinking about user experiences differently. Use job stories that acknowledge causality and stop designing based on assumptions and imaginary attributes. Design in context by defining user motivation instead of… Read more…
Andrew Smyk
Sheridan College