Web Unleashed 2015

2015-09-16 00:00:00 2015-09-18 00:00:00 America/Toronto Web Unleashed 2015 By attending Web Unleashed, you will get up-to-date on the skills to push you ahead in your career. You'll also have the opportunity to network and share ideas with like-minded professionals. Toronto FITC Toronto


Have you ever cried yourself to sleep unable to find the cause of a horrendous bug in your node app? Cry no more, your tears will be reshaped into blinding swords as we explore uncharted territories laced with mystical creatures.

JavaScript debugging is an often avoided topic due to the uncertainty of how best to accomplish it and the lack of powerful introspective tools. This talk will explore new territory and showcase tools that help you debug complex and difficult issues in your node or frontend app. Libraries and tools such as node-debugger, Visual Studio Code, vorlon.js, and memory leak catchers will be used to slay dragons.

No more shall you fear building complex apps with JavaScript!


Slaying dragons hiding in your JavaScript apps a.k.a. Advanced JavaScript Debugging

Target Audience

JavaScript Developers.

Assumed Audience Knowledge


Five things audience members will learn

  1. Common causes of bugs in JavaScript
  2. How to hunt for bugs using node-debugger
  3. How to use introspective tools
  4. How to debug your front-end with vorlon.js
  5. Slaying dragons