500px for iPad: A Developer’s “Behind the Scenes”
The 500px iPad app first shipped in October 2011. Since then, it’s seen extraordinary success in the App Store and has been featured by Apple as an example of what… Read more…
Ash Furrow
All the new CSS Hawtness
This talk will dive into some of the latest CSS implementations and specifications floating around. You’ll learn what’s here and what’s around the corner along with insight into why these… Read more…
Darcy Clarke
Android App Dev for Non-Java Devs
Everybody knows that you have to write Android apps in Java, right? Wrong! This session will cover a variety of technologies that let you build and package Android apps without writing a… Read more…
Ian Darwin
Award Winning Apps
How do you make apps that people love and discuss endlessly? And better yet, do it from scratch, in-house? Building an app is one of the most challenging (and rewarding)… Read more…
Justin Kent
Becoming Social by Default on Mobile
While current smartphones have made it easy for us to communicate with each other, the focus on apps has diluted the channels through which we communicate, complicating how we connect.… Read more…
Boris Chan
Better with Friends: Android+Arduino+NFC
Thinking beyond multi-touch gestures, Android’s got a few tricks up its sleeve to take user interactions beyond the screen and into the physical world.
With the Android Open Accessory or… Read more…

Pearl Chen
Make This Studio
Blowing Up – Scaling for Masses with Cloud Services, Node, and Backbone
If your next big idea takes off, are you ready for it? Cloud-based services have levelled the playing field by giving massive scaling power to startups. From Instagram to Pinterest,… Read more…
Tim Willison
Building Fun (with CreateJS & HTML5)
Building games is fun! Building web-deployed, device-friendly, multi-player games using bleeding-edge web standards is fun AND challenging. This session will explore the process and challenges of building a collection of online… Read more…

Grant Skinner
Building Killer Applications for Windows Phone
This sessions will cover all the latest features and concepts for the Windows Phone development platform and how you can leverage them to build your very own killer application. These… Read more…
Mukul Seth
Building the Ultimate Google TV two screen experience. Tips, Tricks and Gotchas
If you’re ready to explore Interactive TV, this session is for you. We’ll walk through ITV concepts, Tips, Tricks and things to watch out for when developing two screen applications… Read more…
Otamere Omoruy
Case Study: Jimi Hendrix
In this session David Tucker, Principal Architect and iOS Practice Manager at Universal Mind, will go into depth on how the award-winning iOS application Jimi Hendrix: The Complete Experience was created.… Read more…
David Tucker
Coffeescript 101
Javascript is quickly becoming the byte code of the web. However Javascript does have its “bad parts” that make developing web applications painful.
Fear not though, a new kid is… Read more…

Faisal Abid
Contextual Design: The New Wave In Mobile Design
Responsive, Adaptive among others are the new things today with mobile design. I want to talk about the next big wave. It’s all about Contextual Design. Think geo location, time… Read more…
Joe Johnston
Current Best Practices in an Android App Skeleton
Android spans handsets and tablets, and has UI capabilities that enable a single code-based to target all kinds of Android devices. The Fragment class, and new capabilities for gestures, transition… Read more…
Zigurd Mednieks
Designing for 6 feet: A breakdown of the platforms, technologies, and UXD considerations
TV is not what it used to be, today TV’s (and their device companions) are smart, connected, responsive hubs of entertainment, information and activity.
This session is all about providing… Read more…

Lanny Geffen
Engaging the Sense of Touch in Android-based Games
Touchscreens have become the default UI in mobile devices, but with their adoption, the lack of tactile feedback is a common complaint. The best gameplay is multi-sensory – HD graphics… Read more…

Suzanne Nguyen
Expanding the Story with Mobile
The act of communication is all about telling a story. Whether it’s a verbal story around a camp fire, to curling up with a good book, to watching a movie… Read more…
Fun with node.js
Erm, well maybe not. But Adam will take a [high level] look at node.js, the event-based sever-side javascript environment. He’ll also take a look at a few of the many… Read more…
Adam Hunter
Game Development Using Haxe and NME
It can be hard to find the balance between native performance, cross-platform support and a fun productive workflow.
NME targets Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Flash and HTML5, building… Read more…

Joshua Granick
Getting the Most Out of Carrier APIs
I have iTunes, Google Play, Twillio, GPS – what can carrier APIs do for me and what can I develop with them? If you’re wondering about these things then we… Read more…
Go Mobile or Go Home!
What’s your mobile strategy? Do you have one? Either way, this is a must-attend session if you’re doing business online. More than 50% of local internet searches are mobile. This… Read more…
Hardware Access and Device APIs with JavaScript and HTML5
The browser on your device is growing up! With new HTML5 APIs we are able to access your device’s hardware and start writing apps that rival native big boys. HTML5… Read more…

Wes Bos
How is Babby App Formed?
Designing and launching a mobile app is an incredibly difficult and intensive process. Let’s take a high level journey through how an app is created, designed and launched: from deciding… Read more…

Greg Beldam
How to Make Money in Pocket Computers
Finally, the opportunity executives in every industry that completely missed on the web have been waiting for; “Pocket computers are the future and we’re all gonna get rich. You, over… Read more…
Jeremy Black
Hypermedia / Time-Basing the Web
HTML5’s given us a rich set of tools for time-based (temporal) media types. Using popular media types such as video and audio, we’re able to create experiences that are based… Read more…
Jacob Friedman
Infused Titanium (Write Once, Wrap Everywhere)
The days of write once, run everywhere are over! Now that I have your attention, let me explain. Primary inputs are moving away from mouse & keyboard to multi-touch. Screen… Read more…
Tristan Roscoe
Introduction to PhoneGap
There are a number of cross platform solutions out there and one of the top frameworks is PhoneGap. This presentation will cover:
How PhoneGap works
How it differs from a… Read more…
Matthew Fabb
iOS Gaming with Cocos2D and Box2D
After spending over 10 years in the Flash community it’s time to move on. After exploring all all options from Javascript to Corona to AIR, native development won me over.… Read more…

Charlie Schulze
Jellybean Tips and Tricks
Now that Jellybean is out, learn whats new in Android 4.1. Get up to date on the latest tips and tricks for the new platform as well as cool stuff… Read more…

Faisal Abid
jQuery Mobile – Tips & Tricks
jQuery Mobile is a pretty easy framework for developers to pick that have a bit of familiarity with jQuery. However, there are a number of gotchas and issues that you… Read more…
Matthew Fabb
Location, Location, Location – No Real Estate Agents, Please
Let’s agree that there is a slight but very important difference between Toronto, ON and Toronto, OH. Or ask the British couple that bought a last minute ticket to Sydney,… Read more…
Jonathan Lavoie-Lévesque
Making Your Mobile Application Frictionless: The Teflon Paradigm
This session will look into the design (UI and UX) of a mobile application and how to apply a number of key principles to make it frictionless. Given the variety… Read more…
Martin Dufort
Native Vs. HTML5
There is a big divide right now in mobile. On one side we have the proponents of native applications, those built using the tools specific to each individual platform. The… Read more…
New Tools for Making Awesome Android Apps
There’s a lot that’s new and amazing in Android. Google continues to provide Android community with cool new tools and features, such as fancy Eclipse upgrades and long-awaited performance improvements… Read more…
James Halpern
Respond To This
With all the hype around responsive design it is easy to get overwhelmed with all the possible ways to design responsively. This session will focus on workflows to help you save… Read more…
Kristofer Joseph
Responsive Design: The New Engineering
When you build a bridge or an airport, you’re gonna need to do some planning – about a decade’s worth. Responsive sites and applications are on the opposite side of the… Read more…

Kurt Krumme
Responsive Web Design, Get the Best of your Design
There is no mobile Web, there is no desktop Web, and there is no tablet Web. We view the same Web just in different ways. So how do we do… Read more…

Frédéric Harper
Sencha Touch 101: Mobile Apps Built with HTML5
Sencha Touch 2, a high-performance HTML5 mobile application framework, is the cornerstone of the Sencha HTML5 platform. Built for enabling world-class user experiences, Sencha Touch 2 is the only framework… Read more…

Arthur Kay
Simple is Not Easy
User experience design is not rocket science, but 41% of development projects fail to provide value or ROI because of poor usability. In this session, you will learn 3 simple… Read more…

Rob Rusher
Social Design on the Facebook Platform
Every experience will be improved when it’s personalized for you. As it becomes easier for us to bring our identities & friends with us to every online or real world… Read more…
Sachin Monga
Spatial Design for Mobile Devices
Mobile devices have evolved from being siloed appliances to being network aware (www) and location aware (gps). Spatially aware devices will drive the next generation of interfaces and services allowing… Read more…
David Kung
Taking Ontario Mobile
Taking Ontario Mobile presents a comprehensive vision and plan that would transform Ontario into a leading mobile jurisdiction in which residents have access to a 24/7, personalized, context and location… Read more…
Dr.Sara Diamond
The Metro Mojo for a Great Multi-Screen Experience
If you have used a Windows Phone, Windows 8 or the new XBOX Dashboard then you’ve already been immersed in it but you may not realize what it is. Microsoft’s… Read more…

Paul Laberge
The Multi-Screen Experience
The next big thing is second screen applications. On second thought…
scratch that. MULTI. SCREEN. APPS. A fairly new term floating around is second screen apps. This is the
Read more…
scratch that. MULTI. SCREEN. APPS. A fairly new term floating around is second screen apps. This is the
Read more…
Unity Game Plan – Strategies for Multiplatform, the Marketplace, and Maximum Exposure
We continue to gain incredible new opportunities for game development and gamification, but the reality is we still face increasing challenges with multiplatform development and adoption in an ever-widening “screens”… Read more…
Tracy Erickson
Windows 8 Apps with HTML/CSS/JS
Windows 8 Metro style apps open a new platform to developers that have traditionally worked on the web. Developers can bring the skills and tools they know from the web,… Read more…
Peter Newhook
Workshop: Kicking Apps by Building Windows Phone 8 Experiences
Windows Phone has been called unique, stunning, exciting and yet easy to build apps for. Windows Phone can truly make your apps not only great to look at, but even… Read more…

Paul Laberge