An Orlando native, Justin developed a passion for technology at an early age. He earned two degrees from MIT and a patent on a futuristic DJ setup before striking out on a journey through a handfull of dot-com startups. His experience on the web evolved into an obsession with apps before CP+B recruited him as their first mobile-specific developer. He had a hand in virtually every app launch for the agency, and his work led to a number of FWA’s, a Webby, and a shout-out in The App & Mobile Case Study Book. A few noteworthy projects include a crunch-powered video game, a smile detecting billboard, and a beat-driven dancing cube of Jell-O. Now he’s serving as Lead Scientist at Modernizing Medicine, creating tablet apps for future-facing doctors. When away from the office, he serenades his wife with karaoke and DJs with his phone.