Web Unleashed 2017

2017-09-25 00:00:00 2017-09-27 00:00:00 America/Toronto Web Unleashed 2017 Drive your career to the forefront by learning the latest tools, techniques and technologies in front-end web development. Toronto FITC Toronto


A Tale of Four Properties

Chris Coyier
Co-Founder , CodePen
Optimize Prime: More Pixels Than Meets The Eye

Henri Helvetica
Developer Comms, command-h
The Influence of Cultural Relativism

Ramya Mahalingam
Associate Design Director, McKinsey & Company
Icons Are Overrated

Patrick Schroen
Founder & Creative Technology Lead, Alien Kitty
Designing for Your Users: How to Create a Better User Experience

Clarissa Peterson
UX Designer, clarissapeterson.com
Ten Pro Tips for Prototyping

Fred Beecher
Director of User Experience & Design, The Nerdery
Remote: Hacking the World’s Genius

Robyn Larsen
Front End Developer, International Growth @ Shopify
Debugging our Feelings: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Developers

Jamie Strachan
Application Development Manager, Info-Tech Research Group
Variable Fonts and the Future of Web Design

Jason Pamental
Principal Designer,  Chewy.com
Smarter & Cuter Bots

Rachel White
Technical Evangelist, Microsoft
Progressive Web Apps

Houssein Djirdeh
Developer Advocate, Google Chrome
Predictable Web Apps with Angular and Redux

Giorgio Natili
Engineering Lead, Akamai Technologies
Lessons of Team Leadership. In Nine Innings.

Albert Poon
Head of Design, DoorDash
Git Things Done

Anne Thomas
Lead Developer, Out of the Sandbox
Full Stream Ahead!

Ryan Christiani
UX Developer Lead, Shopify
Can You Just Code Your Way to Fame and Fortune?

Pearl Chen
Technologist & Educator, Make This Studio
Browser’s Castle: Defend Your Code Like a Designer

Liam Oscar Thurston
Sr. Director, User Experience, Loblaw Digital
Awesome State Management for React and Other Virtual-Dom Libraries

Fred Daoud
Software Development Contractor, Modernizing Medicine
A Very Public and Overdue Funeral for jQuery

Luke DeWitt
Director of Web Services, REDspace
Making Friends With SVGs

Fatima Remtullah
Product Designer, Rangle.io
Solving Layout Problems With CSS Grid and Friends

Rachel Andrew
Content lead for Chrome DevRel, Google
Thinking in Components

Ksenija Gogic
Web Developer, TWG
An Introduction to Test Driven Development with React

Lawton Spelliscy
Lead Agile Software Engineer, Tribalscale
Building Progressive Web Apps for Android and iOS

Simon MacDonald
Head of Developer Experience, Begin
Angular vs React for Web Application Development

Hasan Ahmad
Principal Consultant, Aquent DEV6
Flexible UI Components for a Multi-Framework World

Kevin Ball
President, ZenDev, LLC
Animated GIFs and Beyond: Motion Design for Impact and Performance

Miguel Angel Cardona
Assistant Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology
From Commit To Production And Beyond

Arthur Maltson
Senior Distinguished Engineer, Capital One Canada
Neural Networks for the Rest of Us

Rob McDiarmid
Software Developer, Wealthsimple
Building Contextual Personas Through Scenario Planning

Jesse Emmanuel Rosario
User Experience Specialist, jemrosario.com
How to Use WebVR to Enhance the Web Experience

Kevin Vandecar
Manager, Media and Entertainment, Autodesk
An Introduction to the World of Testing for Front-End Developers

Haris Mahmood
Engineer, Shopify
Smooth Animations for Web & Hybrid

Alexander Blom
Partner, Isle of Code
Developing Desktop Apps with Electron & Ember.js

Aidan Nulman
Partner, Isle of Code
The Fundamental Flaw in Flat Design

Kate Moran
Senior UX Specialist, Nielsen Norman Group