FITC Toronto 2009

2009-04-25 00:00:00 2009-04-29 00:00:00 America/Toronto FITC Toronto 2009 Now in its 8th year, FITC Toronto is one of the largest and longest running events of its kind in the world. Toronto FITC Toronto

99 Problems but a Pitch Ain’t One – Panel
Secrets and top tips will be revealed on how and why to take certain paths and approaches. From pitching, to sales, to marketing, to customer relations for fortune 100 or… Read more…
A Preview of Adobe Flash Catalyst
Adobe Flash Catalyst, previously codenamed “Thermo”, is a professional interaction design tool for rapidly creating application interfaces and interactive content without coding. It allows designers to transform static artwork from… Read more…
Web Dev
Mark Anders
Adobe Keynote
Want to know what Adobe is up too? Join us for an overview of the Flash Platform and a quick look at Adobe’s future direction. Also, learn about the latest… Read more…
Animation for Commercials and Motion Graphics
Learn how to use basic 3D animation techniques to create compelling web and video animation that rivals television commercial quality. See how dynamic effects such as wire frame rendering and… Read more…
Web Dev
Lee Fraser
Art, Gesture, Computation, Framework
Since 2002, Zachary Lieberman and Golan Levin have worked together as TMEMA, a flexible collaborative unit that develops interactive performances, museum installations, web-based information visualizations, reactive commercial environments, and experimental… Read more…
Web Dev
Beautiful Algorithms: Design from Nature and Mathematics
What is the deeper mathematical basis of our natural world? Throughout nature and technology – and places where they overlap – there are algorithmic systems that generate beauty. They appear… Read more…
Alec Cove
Big Spaceship : Digital Creative Agency
This session will illustrate the importance of smoke machines, tanks of water, boxes of sand, lots of paper, and other invaluable tools for the crew of Big Spaceship, as we… Read more…
Joshua Hirsch
Building Complex Visual Editors on the Flash Platform
Applications such as Noteflight (music notation), Adobe Buzzword (word processing) or Scholastic’s Timeliner (time-based content) go far beyond what most people think of as a typical Flash application. These are… Read more…
Web Dev
Joe Berkovitz
ByteArrays for Beginners
Flash Player 10 has an amazing set of native features that allow you to create amazing experiences for the web and the desktop. But sometimes there are things that you… Read more…
Web Dev
Lee Brimelow
Check. Check. Is This Thing On?
Using the Flash Microphone for advanced interaction Microphone access is a generally untapped, yet a huge advantage for Flash developers and designers. Let’s break it open. Chuck will explore a… Read more…
Web Dev
Chuck Freedman
Cool Japanese Flash – Side A
oin FITC as we introduce to you some of the coolest Flash work in Japan, right here at FITC Toronto. A1 – Wonderfl(kayac) An introduction to, an actionscript hacker’s… Read more…
Web Dev
Cool Japanese Flash – Side B
Join FITC as we introduce to you some of the coolest Flash work in Japan, right here at FITC Toronto. B1: FLARToolKit This session will introduce FLARToolkit , AR for Flash users,… Read more…
Web Dev
Cool Shit!
Join us for this one hour presentation where we’ve taken 5 of the top Flash guys and asked them to show some cool shit they are working or experimenting on… Read more…
Dame Judy Dench Could Kick My Mothers Ass™
Shaun Hamontree (Co-founder of the MK12 Tactical Design and Research Bureau), will discuss their journey designing and executing the main titles and smart table sequences for the latest in the… Read more…
Developing Touch Based Flash Apps for Nokia Devices
Mobile application development for Nokia devices with Flash Lite has never been easier, and the go to market opportunities have never been greater. Join Forum Nokia’s Robert Burdick and Martin… Read more…
Web Dev
Digital Experiences Beyond the Monitor
Having access to some of the biggest toys in the world is one of the best parts of working with large clients. But, knowing which platforms to incorporate into a… Read more…
Web Dev
Dimension Wars. Bridging the Gap Between 2D and 3D in Flash
The focus of this presentation will be the techniques used in creating 3D experience in Flash. We’ll look at different means of accomplishing this; whether it is creating a fully… Read more…
Web Dev
Environmental Interaction and Immersive Media
Interactive media is becoming more pervasive as new technologies become available to both display and interact with information in our environment. Obscura digital has been solely focused on creating unique,… Read more…
Steve Mason
Exciting Data: Effective Design for Information Heavy Graphics
Exciting Data: Effective Design for Information Heavy Graphics Every designer’s nightmare is getting handed a pile of data and being asked to “make it pretty”. In this session we’ll look… Read more…
Ryan Coleman
Feed the Experts – A Sneak Peek Into the Treasure Chest of Creativity
Emotion is the key to people’s minds. Whenever a creation is labelled extraordinary it’s because it overwhelmed people with innovative creativity. For the first time Carlo Blatz presents the fruits… Read more…
Carlo Blatz
Feed the Experts: A Sneak Peek Into the Treasure Chest of Creativity
The shoemaker’s son always goes barefoot… but the website of a multimedia agency must be state of the art! Whenever a creation is labelled extraordinary it’s because it overwhelmed people with creativity.… Read more…
Web Dev
Carlo Blatz
Flash CS4 Animation: New Goodies!
What’s with all these tweens? Which one do I use and for what purpose? 3D Rotations and Transformations? Z axis? Bones? Armatures? Inverse Kinematics, Motion Editors???!!! Somebody got my Flash… Read more…
Web Dev
Chris Georgenes
Flash Interfaces in Console Games
This presentation is for anyone interested in knowing how to use Adobe Flash to create cutting-edge interfaces in console games. It will feature hands-on demonstrations of how Flash can be… Read more…
Web Dev
Flash Player Internals v2
Versioning Player Penetration Player Overview VMs, Basic AS3 Optimization FTE (Flash Text Engine Now we have layout options! TextField FTE And rendering options Saffron – now faster & improved CFF… Read more…
Web Dev
Jim Corbett
The Arduino hardware platform has brought data capture from physical devices to within reach of everyone including Flash developers. This session will explore the ins and outs of the Arduino… Read more…
Web Dev
Tyler Egeto
Gaia Framework For Adobe Flash: Revolutionize Your Workflow
Gaia is an open-source front-end Flash Framework for AS3 and AS2 designed to dramatically reduce development time. Gaia is targeted at anyone who develops Flash sites. It provides solutions to… Read more…
Web Dev
Steven Sacks
Get Off Your Ass and Start Using AS3 Already!
Enough excuses. AS3 has been out for over two years. You know, deep down inside, you hold a pathological hatred of AS2, or even, god forbid, AS1 (don’t even talk… Read more…
Web Dev
R Blank
Getting in the Groove with PureMVC
Getting in the Groove with PureMVC While many who’ve worked with it can attest, PureMVC is simple and powerful once you ‘get in the groove’ with it. But until that… Read more…
Web Dev
Cliff Hall
Glue69: Connecting the Dots Between the Toolkits
As creative coders, at our disposal is an incredible set of toolkits – openFrameworks, Processing, Pure Data, VVVV and ExtendScript/SwitchBoard/PatchPanel – each with it’s own set of strengths and weaknesses.… Read more…
Web Dev
Dr. Woohoo!
‘Harvest’ is the title of James Paterson’s upcoming (Jan 28 09) solo exhibition at Biforms Gallery in Chelsea, NY. The exhibition will be showcasing a series of strange home-made computer… Read more…
James Paterson
Immersive Environments and Interactive Cinema
Storytelling: Interactive Fiction, simulating environments, and the death of television. For those interested in the convergence of media for the purpose of advertising, communication, and entertainment. We will explore storytelling… Read more…
In Between the Frames
Creative Processes of a New Studio One of the founders of a newly formed studio will take you through their processes and the challenges they face as a team finding… Read more…
Innovating with Red5
Think that you know all that Red5 can do? Think again! Realtime effects on live streaming video, voice recognition through Flash, coding with AS3 on the server and connecting Red5… Read more…
Web Dev
Chris Allen
Innovative Storytelling through Hybrid Media
Sometimes drawing outside the lines means not just drawing a whole new shape but linking two different shapes together. With this presentation Ana will look at some examples of innovative… Read more…
Ana Serrano
CFC Media Lab
Introduction to 3D
In this seminar you will get look at some of the exciting trends in 3D computer graphics. We will show you how Autodesk products like Autodesk® Mudbox™, Autodesk® 3ds Max®… Read more…
Web Dev
Louis Marcoux
Introduction to iPhone SDK for Flash Developers
With the release of the iPhone SDK, developers are faced with Objective-C, XCode, Interface Builder and other tools that are likely very unfamiliar if they’ve been building Flash based applications.… Read more…
Web Dev
James Eberhardt
Canadian Digital Service
Large Scope/ Little Worry
Giant projects can be scary if you don’t have a good process. Get an inside look at creating the Konductor AIR application with a focus on team development. Konductor combines… Read more…
Web Dev
Stacey Mulcahy
Microsoft Garage
Learning to Communicate: Strategies for Flash Integration with Drupal
Media-intensive sites attract users’ eyes and help create unique destinations that present content in intuitive ways. Balancing this need for a rich front-end presentation with a content management framework presents… Read more…
Web Dev
Life, Work and Philosophy
‘Why is philosophy any importance to our life, work and creativity?’ Thierry Loa (Dr. Hello – www.DoctorHello.BZ) will elaborate on the latter question and will therefore propose answers. He will… Read more…
Thierry Loa
Managing Content for Flash Based Applications
Flash is de-facto standard for creating interactive and engaging rich media applications. But it is still a challenge when it comes to managing portals or content heavy web sites, not… Read more…
Web Dev
Marketing Your Skillz (aka Self Promotion for the Shy Creative Type)
You can make the most amazing designs in the world but if no one knows what you did, then you won’t get recognition for it. It is a fact that… Read more…
Daniel Schutzsmith
Natural Resources Defense Council
MTV Jackass on AIR
The following presentation may contain content, technology and pranks the likes that you’ve never seen. Accordingly, MTV and the producers must insist that no one attempts to recreate or re-enact… Read more…
Brett Rampata
Node Base Programming with SourceBinder
SourceBinder (Binder) is a node-based visual framework for easy prototyping and real-time tuning of Flash based visual applications. Balázs Serényi shows the benefits of developing with Binder, including code reuse… Read more…
Web Dev
Balázs Serényi
Online, The Brand is YOU!
Online, your portfolio is all you’ve got to mediate your talent. Get essential ingredients, quick steps, check list, do’s and dont’s to help self-promote efficiently and kick your butt into… Read more…
Carole Guevin
Play with Pixels, Bitmap Manipulation with Flash!
Maybe you’ve used a displacement or convolution filter but never understood how it actually works…maybe you need some inspiration for your next mashup or you just want some tips on… Read more…
Web Dev
Koen De Weggheleire
Player-to-Player Communications with RTMFP
Before Flash Player 10, the only way to share live audio, video, and data between Flash clients was via a server (like FMS) that supports Adobe’s RTMP protocol. Live audio… Read more…
Web Dev
Brian Lesser
Pretty Pictures
“I believe that content and concept are very important in the creation of a successful illustration; I absolutely love beautiful pictures, but I think that a beautiful image with a… Read more…
Marcos Chin
Professionally Pushing Pixels
Building effects in a normal environment requires tool building and a tight integration between design and code. While Flash visual effect abilities are constantly growing, how do we handle this… Read more…
Web Dev
Ralph Hauwert
Unity Technologies
Reality Cheque: Running a Freelance Business
It’s everything you should have learnt in school but didn’t! Topics will include: How much are you really worth? Setting your rates. Should you sign on the dotted line? Contracts… Read more…
Responding to Bodies: My Work is Watching You
How can we combine the analog and digital realms to create compelling experiences? What role do our bodies play (or not!) in the systems we create? How does good interaction… Read more…
Camille Utterback
Reverse Engineering in a 2.0 World
Blogs, social networking, video, viral marketing, mobile media. These are the hot buzzwords of the day, but no one seems to stop to ask the how and the when they… Read more…
Web Dev
Ryan Wolman
Seeing Sound
Sound Visualization in Nature and Code The session should educate and plant the seeds of inspiration. Small ideas exposed as simple physics experiments and in code will give a greater… Read more…
Web Dev
Jared Ficklin
Soaring on AIR: An introduction to AIR
In this session, Zach will discuss how to use Flex to build desktop applications that target the Adobe Integrated Runtime. Starting from a birds-eye view of the runtime, discussing features… Read more…
Web Dev
Zach Stepek
Source + Imagination – Panel
Where does inspiration come from? Who or what is your muse? How do you take inspiration and bring it into your projects from sketch to finished project? How do you… Read more…
Each year Josh picks a new theme and explores that theme to push himself to change and explore new work. This year’s theme is SPACE. What does “Space” mean? Outer… Read more…
Joshua Davis
Joshua Davis Studios
Technology Paving the Way for Story Telling
Although still at the beginning of his career as a director, Matt will discuss the journey from the fine-arts and design to the world of moving images. This transition could… Read more…
Matt Lambert
The Ins and Outs: Flash CS4
Want to learn about the new features of Flash CS4? Would you like to know more about the enhanced workflows of Flash with other Adobe products? If so, this is… Read more…
Web Dev
Richard Galvan
Dolby Laboratories
The Magical Mystery Click
GrupoW were once told that looking for the Magical Mystery Click makes dreams come true. So that’s what they’ve been doing for the last ten years. From Underworld to Alejandro… Read more…
The Road to Brilliant
Large scale projects can be a daunting task involving upwards of 30 to 50 individuals in the creative process, from concept, to design, to development and then to delivery of… Read more…
Web Dev
Gary Stasiuk
The Things I’ve Learned About Being Creative
Mikey will show examples of personal and commercial work as he discusses some of the lessons he has learned in terms of creative thinking. He will demonstrate the value of… Read more…
Mikey Richardson
The Tinkerer’s Box
Those who have attended Mario’s talks before know that one can never be sure what to expect. Will it be mad science? Nifty Mac Gyverish Actionscript tricks? Things that look… Read more…
Web Dev
Mario Klingemann
There is no ‘I’ in Team .. But There is Meat
Keeping a project team on the same page can be a challenge, whether it be maintaining the ideas and concepts of a project, or making sure everyone has the right… Read more…
There is no Box: How To Think Beyond The Edge
You’ve heard of leading edge thinking, cutting edge ideas, and bleeding edge creative — now take that notion one step further. What happens when you eliminate the edge altogether? You’ve… Read more…
Jason Theodor
Things Every ActionScript Developer Should Know
Drawing from over a decade of experience working with Flash, Grant will share critical knowledge on a variety of aspects of ActionScript development. This session will focus on techniques, workflows,… Read more…
Web Dev
Grant Skinner
Twisted Textures in Flash Player 10
With the help of new drawing API features and Adobe Pixel Bender in Flash Player 10, you can manipulate textures and warp graphics in all sorts of fun ways. We’ll… Read more…
Web Dev
Justin Everett-Church
Video Production on the Cheap
If you want broadcast-quality HD videos so pure it’s like drinking water then don’t attend this session! But do attend if you’re experienced in other media tools and still want… Read more…
Web Dev
Phillip Kerman
Workshop: 2D to 3D: How to take your project to the next dimension
In this workshop you will learn the advantage of using 3D Digital Content Creation tools like Autodesk® Maya®, Autodesk® 3ds Max®, Autodesk® ImageModeler™ and more to enhance your work in way you… Read more…
Workshop: iPhone Application Development for Flash Developers
Note that this is a pre-festival workshop day (April 25), and therefore is only available to those who have ‘the works’ tickets, or the ‘pre-festival workshop’ tickets This course will… Read more…
Web Dev
James Eberhardt
Canadian Digital Service
Workshop: Papervision3D from the Core
Note that this is a Pre-Festival Workshop Day (April 25), and therefore is only available to those who have ‘The Works’ ticket, or the ‘Pre-Festival Workshop’ ticket. In this one… Read more…
Web Dev
Ralph Hauwert
Unity Technologies
Workshop: Practical ActionScript 3
Note that this is a pre-festival workshop day (April 25), and therefore is only available to those who have ‘the works’ tickets, or the ‘pre-festival workshop’ tickets ActionScript 3 has… Read more…
Web Dev
R Blank
Workshop: Whats New in Flash CS4
Note that this is a pre-festival workshop day (April 25th), and therefore is only available to those who have ‘the works’ tickets, or the ‘pre-festival workshop’ tickets This workshop will… Read more…
Web Dev
Lee Brimelow
Your Phone is Your Controller (and Other Multiuser Adventures)
Colin Moock delves into the world of multiuser experiences, showing, among other things, how to turn your phone into a big-screen multi player game controller.
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Web Dev
Colin Moock