FITC San Francisco 2010
A Tour of Flex for the Flash Purist
A Flash “purist” might not think Flex is applicable to their projects, however with new features added in Flex 4, creating rich, expressive and immersive Flex content is now possible.… Read more…
Deepa Subramaniam
How do you leverage a short attention span or fragmented work day into creative output? Grant will share a diverse range of work he’s built in small sprints of focused,… Read more…

Grant Skinner
Adobe Keynote
Want to know what Adobe is up to?
Join us to learn about the current state of the Flash Platform and to take a peek at where we’re taking things… Read more…
After Magazines: WIRED’s Digital Rebirth
Traditionally, magazine designers and editors have been well equipped to create compelling experiences in print, but highly crafted digital formats have proven more elusive. With the onslaught of new tablet… Read more…
Algorithmic Anthologies – Panel
In the 20th Century, libraries and ink were the primary expression of the imagination in the form of storytelling. Today ink has been replaced by the kinetic abilities of the… Read more…
Art of Play
Sometimes the most effective way to captivate an audience is through delivering an experience that defies the convention. Pioneering the bleeding edges of technologies is not unlike spending countless hours… Read more…

Erik Natzke
Boolean Logic and Ways to Beautifully Confuse Yourself
MK12 co-founder Shaun Hamontree discusses some of the odd paths taken to create certain ideas and looks to create MK12’s animations, and talks about how to ensure a less than… Read more…

Building RIAs with Robotlegs AS3
Robotlegs is a tiny micro-architecture (framework) with the limited scope of wiring your application together. With a very lightweight Model-View-Controller prescription, Robotlegs allows you to get up and running quickly… Read more…

Joel Hooks
Building the Future of Artistic Tools
How do you make great art? You do it by developing the best tools. New technology has always been followed by great art, but what happens when new technology is… Read more…
Eskil Steenberg
Comparing Web Video Technologies, from Flash to HTML5 to Silverlight
Flash is dead. Long live HTML5. Or not? There’s a lot of misinformation spread by both standards and plug-in advocates. In this session, you will learn the benefits and disadvantages… Read more…

Robert Reinhardt
Connect Your Users – Right Now – With LCCS
Surfing alone is no fun. Instead of treating the web as a platform where users are by themselves, viewing static content, we passionately believe that it could be a place… Read more…
Nigel Pegg
Create Cross-Platform Native Mobile Apps in Flex with OpenPlug ELIPS Studio
OpenPlug’s ELIPS Studio combines a Flex/Flash Builder plugin and an Actionscript/MXML SDK for creating native mobile applications for iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile and Symbian. With ELIPS Studio, if you are… Read more…
Guilhem Ensuque
Creating Magic with Code
For the new “Create” section of the website, we strive to build applications that are infused with a sense of Disney magic — applications that encourage kids to be… Read more…
Brent Milne
Design Business Bootcamp – Workshop
Note that this workshop is offered on the Pre-Festival Workshop Day (Aug 16) and therefore is only available to those who have ‘The Works’ or the ‘Pre-Festival Workshop’ ticket.
A… Read more…

Daniel Schutzsmith
Natural Resources Defense Council
Design IO: Interactive Installations and Experimental Storytelling
For many people interactive is synonymous with web, but for designers Emily Gobeille and Theodore Watson of Design IO interactive has a completely different meaning. To them interactive means engaging… Read more…
Eyes Can Hear, 5 Ways
This presentation will look at Sound Visualization in Flash from five perspectives: in Real Time, Without Time, Rendered, in Society and in Nature. Jared will present many new examples to… Read more…

Jared Ficklin
Flash Builder – What’s New and Coming Next?
Join Andrew Shorten, Senior Product Manager for Adobe Flash Builder and learn more about the new and upcoming features in Flash Builder. Andrew will highlight the developer productivity improvements added… Read more…
Andrew Shorten
Flash Catalyst
Adobe Flash Catalyst is a new interactive design tool for rapidly creating application interfaces and interactive content – without coding. In this session, Mark will show you how you can… Read more…

Mark Anders
Flash Catalyst from Design to Develop
Using Flash Catalyst CS5 and Flash Builder 4 you can design and build web applications using Creative Suite design tools and the Flex Framework. In this session, Doug Winnie will… Read more…

Colin Moock
Flash Evolution on Devices
Did you know that by 2010, 19 out of 20 device manufacturers (i.e. OEMs), worldwide, will have announced support for Flash? Did you know there are over 60 companies working… Read more…

Scott Janousek
Flash Player 10.1 Resource Management for Mobile
Find out how Adobe made hard choices to get CPU and memory usage low enough for the Flash player to run on mobile devices. In his presentation, Jim Corbett will… Read more…

Jim Corbett
Flashing in Public
As many of us know, Flash isn’t just for the web anymore. It’s showing up on mobile devices, touchscreens, multi-touch interfaces, and any number of publicly accessible kiosks and Digital… Read more…
Jon Fox
Flex 4 – Pixel Perfect and Expressive
This is a deeper look into design practices using tools like Fireworks/Photoshop/Illustrator CS5 to create designs that are optimized for consumption by Flash Builder 4. We will look at tips… Read more…
Jacob Surber
Flex 4 Lifecycle Best Practices
With Flex 4, the component lifecycle has been modified for the new skinning architecture, called Spark. In this presentation, you will learn the 4 phases (plus a new one) that a skinnable… Read more…
Demosceners have always been challenging themselves into creating the best looking realtime imagery under the most diverse types of hardware and software limitations. sometimes beautiful clips have been produced by executables as… Read more…
Inigo Quilez
Harnessing the Abundance
If you know a bit about programming, today’s technological offerings bring forth a world of possibility. We’re drenched in a myriad of languages, platforms, and tools – many of which… Read more…
Mike Creighton
Hearing Pictures with Synthia
Synthia hears pictures. She turns any picture into music – an infinite classical canon. She is the first publicly usable musical instrument to emerge from Project Ludi, a long-term skunkworks project… Read more…

R Blank
Hello World – Technology and Its Changing Role Within the Creative Process
Many developers possess an untapped passion and creativity for making things – their ideas can provoke deeper understanding of the digital space and provide the opportunity to trigger innovation. By… Read more…
High Performance Mobile Content with Flash
Flash Professional CS5 allows developers to target their Flash content to multiple screens and devices. In this session, Mike will discuss strategies for building high performance Flash based applications and… Read more…

Mike Chambers
How to Successfully Deploy an RIA Across Multiple Devices & Platforms
Many companies are now thinking about deploying RIAs across multiple device platforms. These platforms come with distinct challenges and considerations, such as consistent user experience, ROI strategy, technology differences, data… Read more…
Brian O’Connor
HYPE: Combining Creativity & Code
Flash used to be fun. The code wasn’t pretty, but everyone – designers AND developers – were digging in and doing awesome, inspiring work. Then Flash grew up. It needed… Read more…

Branden Hall
Automata Studios
In a Place Where Ball Games are Strictly Forbidden
Without a doubt, these are exciting times for anyone working in the field of digital design. Seemingly magical devices now surround us that we, as designers, can use as conduits… Read more…

Branden Hall
Automata Studios
Innovation From Research: A Peek Inside Photoshop CS5’s Content-Aware Fill
The star of the show in Photoshop CS5 is its new “voodoo” Content-Aware Fill. Join Iván Cavero Belaunde, the Productization Engineer from Adobe Advanced Technology Labs who drove this feature,… Read more…
Ivan Cavero Belaunde
Innovation Through Collaboration
An exploration of interdisciplinary collaboration and multi-media cross-training. This session will explore the crossover space between designers and developers. Boris Pique will discuss how teams can create a space for… Read more…
Boris Pique
Inside Flash CS5 Pro
Do you want to know more about the new version of Flash? Join the Flash product manager for a tour of the top features in Flash Professional CS5 and learn… Read more…

Richard Galvan
Dolby Laboratories
ISO50: Blending Analogue and Digital
The man behind ISO50 and Tycho, Scott Hansen discusses his background, process, design theory, and presents new works.
Designers interested in learning about the methods of ISO50 Attain:
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Designers interested in learning about the methods of ISO50 Attain:
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Scott Hansen (Tycho/ISO50)
It’s All About Context
Flash is everywhere now. On the desktop, in pockets, and even on TVs. The key to making your application uniquely valuable is to provide a consistent user experience by focusing… Read more…
Kevin Suttle
Latency Hiding in Multiplayer Games
One of the greatest hurdles in multiplayer game programming is having to deal with the effects of network latency. The way you handle latency as a developer can be the… Read more…
Jobe Makar
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous
An exclusive look at some of the luxury projects created at Obscura Digital over the last year: Future billiards, magic paintings, 360° enhanced reality penthouse suites, psychedelic disco rooms for… Read more…
Steve Mason
Long Time No See
Yuga Nakamura’s design studio “tha ltd” has been producing in the fields of interface design, web service, and motion graphics, and has recently felt the urge to release a new… Read more…

Yugo Nakamura
tha ltd.
Mapping and Geolocation with Flash and AIR
With support for mobile devices, and a long history of providing a great platform for mapping, there are a lot of new options for building geo-enabled applications for Flash developers.… Read more…

Ryan Stewart
Marketing Your Skillz
(a.k.a. Self Promotion for the Shy Creative Type)
You can make the world’s-best designs, but if no one sees them, you won’t get the recognition. It is a fact that… Read more…

Daniel Schutzsmith
Natural Resources Defense Council
Multi-Social Multi-Screen
In this presentation, Ted Patrick will talk about a new social photo sharing service he is building using HTML5, Flash, AIR, and native applications. The service works across all leading… Read more…

Ted Patrick
Multiuser Application Development with Union
In this presentation, Colin Moock will explore the code and concepts behind multiuser application development with the Union Platform. Learn how to build a simple chat, connect a cell phone to… Read more…

Colin Moock
My Head Hurts
The current state of our industry is enough to send even the most level-headed people running for the psychiatric ward of their local hospital. Confusion is everywhere, caused partly by… Read more…

Lee Brimelow
Others: Content and Creative Community
Film has always been understood as a collaborative medium. In contrast, graphic design is a vocation historically undertaken by individual artists or craftsmen. In the sixties, the collaboration between copywriters… Read more…

Kyle Cooper
Practice Makes Perfect, So What Are You Practicing?
Six years ago, Robert Hodgin created his first programmed magnetic repulsion effect. In the years that followed, he continued to fine tune and explore the phenomenon of electrostatic fields and… Read more…

Robert Hodgin
Rare Volume
Processing for Android
This presentation will cover the latest incarnation of the Processing project, which targets Android devices. It’s designed for rapid iteration and to streamline how you develop and prototype. On the… Read more…
Ben Fry
Programming Art
As soon as computers had visual displays or printouts, people were using them to create art. In this presentation, we will take a short look at the history of computer-generated… Read more…

Keith Peters
Prototyping an Embedded UI with Scripted Use Cases
Given an existing UI prototype demo developed in Flash, the challenge was to document over two hundred multi-step use-cases for programmers to use as a functional reference when coding the… Read more…
Josh Hochman
Pulsatile Crackle
By combining physics with sound, one can enter a wonderful new relationship of oscillating, pulsating objects. Andre Michelle combines all of his experience in game, physics and audio programming to… Read more…

Andre Michelle
Recognize This! Seeing with Flash
Eugene will show how Adobe Flash can be used for efficient object recognition. SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features) uses advanced computer vision algorithms to bring sight to the machine. Based… Read more…

Eugene Zatepyakin
So You Want To Do Work For an Agency, Eh?
You are a one-person developer or a small production company. Why does Joe’s Shoppe get the offer to bid and you don’t? Perhaps you are a producer that wants to… Read more…
Jeremy Adirim
Social Media API’s
Many projects have a social media aspect – whether it be to create custom applications around a particular social media service or integrate choice features into a site. This presentation… Read more…

Stacey Mulcahy
Microsoft Garage
Space Invading
Why limit yourself to 2D in the browser when you can use 3D, webcam motion detection and massive projectors to invade the real space all around you?
Seb shares his… Read more…
Seb Lee-Delisle
Standardize Your Flash with Adobe OSMF
The brand spankin’ new Adobe Open Source Media Framework (OSMF) is an amazingly powerful code library that can significantly assist your Flash development.
Just as Flex is a framework that supports and… Read more…

R Blank
The Apparat
Apparat is an aggregate of frameworks to optimize and manipulate SWF files. Its core feature is TAAS the ThreeAddressActionScript compiler. In this session, Joa Ebert will show how TAAS works… Read more…

Joa Ebert
The Art and Science of Particles
Particles. They come in all sizes and shapes. They aggregate into complex structures. We ourselves are made of them, even as we exist as particles in a larger system. Particles… Read more…
Kristin Henry
The Hypercard Legacy
Jeremy Thorp’s interest in computers and creativity can be traced back to the summer of 1985, when his father came home with a classic Mac. Loaded on that machine was… Read more…

Jeremy Thorp
The Ins and Outs of Flash Professional CS5
So you’ve seen and possibly worked in Flash Professional CS5 for a couple of months now, but are you really using it to its full potential?
In this presentation, Paul… Read more…

Paul Trani
The Many Faces of Away3D
Since its inception, the unprecedented explosion of 3D Flash content around the world has surprised many and been the source of a wide variety of cutting edge interactive web content.… Read more…

Rob Bateman
UnitZeroOne: Skunkworks
In this session, Ralph will explore and reveal his journeys into creating real-time graphics with code. With all new and shiny tips and tricks from his “graphics coding black book”,… Read more…

Ralph Hauwert
Unity Technologies
Welcome to the Sideshow
The Flash circus is in town again and everyone is enjoying the great performers and trainers. After marveling at breathtaking code taming and visual artistry, it is time to visit… Read more…

Mario Klingemann
What Can You Do with Unity3d?
Unity is taking the web and mobile market by storm. Along with Flash 3D engines such as Papervision and Away3D it continues the shift in general web design, where 3D… Read more…
Bartek Drozdz
Workshop: Accelerating Creativity in ActionScript 3 with HYPE
Note that this workshop is offered on the Pre-Festival Workshop Day (Aug 16) and therefore is only available to those who have ‘The Works’ or the ‘Pre-Festival Workshop’ ticket.
Read more…
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Branden Hall
Automata Studios
Workshop: Android For Flash Professionals
Note that this workshop is offered on the Pre-Festival Workshop Day (Aug 16) and therefore is only available to those who have ‘The Works’ or the ‘Pre-Festival Workshop’ ticket.
In… Read more…

Scott Janousek
Workshop: Flash Games Programming
Note that this workshop is offered on the Pre-Festival Workshop Day (Aug 16) and therefore is only available to those who have ‘The Works’ or the ‘Pre-Festival Workshop’ ticket.
All… Read more…
Seb Lee-Delisle
You Talkin’ to Me?
n this presentation, Didier will present demo based voice recognition and pitch detection. He will introduce the new VoiceGesture API and explain how to create a sound model, a voice… Read more…

Didier Brun