FITC Amsterdam 2015

2015-02-23 00:00:00 2015-02-25 00:00:00 America/Toronto FITC Amsterdam 2015 Explore the undiscovered horizon, break walls between creator and spectator using any medium and means necessary. Amsterdam FITC Amsterdam


A server written 15 years ago can still be serving up web pages – because web pages back then were fairly simple. But with the move to single page applications, and with massive complexity in the browser, is this longevity still possible? Do evergreen browsers demand evergreen codebases where you never stop developing and updating your application?


Switch thinking from applications as discrete events towards applications as an ongoing conversation, constantly evolving and changing.

Target Audience

Anyone involved in web design, development, strategy, or management.

Assumed Audience Knowledge

It’s assumed the audience is familiar with the business of development of web applications at some level.

Five things audience members will learn

  1. How to think about applications as organic entities.
  2. Why quality and automation are strategic necessities.
  3. The business case for continuous delivery.
  4. Future web dev risks and how to mitigate them.
  5. How to budget and staff a next-gen web development project.