FITC Amsterdam 2015
Stuart discusses behaviour as a core concept of Random International’s practice: instilling a sense of ‘life’ in the inanimate, simulating natural phenomena and exploring the responses of both objects and… Read more…

Stuart Wood
Random International
A Peek at the Future of 3D on the Web
3D on the web has had an interesting history. We’ve come a long way since the not-so-successful browser support for VRML or the immensely popular but technically limited 3D boom… Read more…

David Lenaerts
Der Schmale
Adventures in VR
Virtual reality (VR) has the potential to transform how we interact with the online world. But convincing your brain to believing something is real when you know that it’s not isn’t… Read more…

Carlos Ulloa
All Your Vectors Are Belong To Us
Where you’ll find 1000+ slides and a few not-so-random thoughts about the pros and cons of creating with code and living through software. Also featuring: the confessions of a geometry… Read more…

Marius Watz
Breaking the Workflow
Henrique will explore the edges of “front-end workflow,” and go through essential learnings he discovered while working within small teams in an agile dev environment — from building team unity to shipping… Read more…

Henrique Alves
Century of the Selfie (Your Mediated Experience)
Love it or loathe it, the selfie is what you might call the common denominator of self-expression in the digital age. By examining the phenomenon of the selfie, can we… Read more…

Sougwen Chung
Chromatic Aberration: The Prism and the Rainbow
Creative coding is about wonder, exploration and learning. And Frederik is happy to label himself a creative coder. Code gives him an outlet to play since he’s always been fascinated by… Read more…

Frederik Vanhoutte
Code & Creativity
This talk looks at DevArt, which set out to reframe coding as a creative discipline, and to inspire the next generation of developers. It’s an initiative exploring art made with… Read more…

Steve Vranakis
Google Creative Lab
Colour in the Grey Areas
Doing things with WebGL, really? Not long ago it was a niche playground for people with a spirit of discovery, this… and nerds. Now it’s strongly catching up, beginning to be everybody’s… Read more…

Frank Reitberger
Creating Narrative Spaces
In today’s world, computer-literate people know the value of digital media and expect to see it in their physical space. Felix will give an insight into his current projects from the fields… Read more…

Felix Hardmood Beck
ART+COM Studios
Creative Technology: Expectation vs. Reality
Technology offers limitless promises, but often delivers something much more limited. Creative technologists are often asked to wrangle imperfect technology and get it to work in ways it was never meant to… Read more…

Mike Pelletier
Random Studio
Design Non-Fiction
Design and engineering studio Tellart has been creating award-winning interactive installations that connect online and onsite [in the “real” world] audiences. Combining graphic and industrial design with electrical, mechanical and… Read more…

Matt Cottam
Developers vs. Designers
This talk will focus on developer-designer-interaction: the differences in perspective, the stereotypical discussions (and arguments) that usually occur, and ways to improve this relationship and cooperation in general.
The ideal outcome would… Read more…
Emerging Technologies in the Real World
The rise of the “experience economy” and resulting increase in experiential marketing and advertising budgets, combined with advancements in sensor and mobile technologies, have lead to an explosion of technology-based… Read more…

Demi Kandylis
Evergreen Codebases: Redefining a “Done” App
A server written 15 years ago can still be serving up web pages – because web pages back then were fairly simple. But with the move to single page applications,… Read more…

Nick Van Weerdenburg
Flash Professional CC: The Future of Animation
With expanded support for publishing natively to new platforms like HTML5 Canvas and WebGL, the ability to extend support to custom platforms through the new “Custom Platform SDK,” creative tools… Read more…

Ajay Shukla
Following Your Gut, Doing What You Love and Coming Full Circle
It wasn’t too long ago that you might have found Niko going full ‘Lords of Dogtown’ on his skateboard in some skatepark, his future creative career just a distant sparkle… Read more…

Niko Stumpo
Fusing Code and Celluloid: Why Agencies Should Integrate Film and Digital Production
Digital production polymath MediaMonks has been racking up award after award with its (film-heavy) production work for Europe’s advertising agencies. The key to their production success is the close collaboration… Read more…
Getting a (Hardware) Concept into the Market as a Small Design Studio
For fun and exposure, Andrew and Ruben made a prototype of a bluetooth-enabled bike bell designed to help find one’s bike. It was so well received, they decided to turn… Read more…
Gavin has bludgeoned his way through his creative career using the sledgehammer of excitement, smashing down the walls of knowledge with the brute force of bright colours, positivity and childlike… Read more…

Gavin Strange
Aardman / Jamfactory
Hands-on Digital Immersion
After a very quick presentation of Grouek, Romain will detail two recently multi-awarded projects: Sortie en Mer (a trip out to sea, 5 Cannes Lions, Gold Lovie, FWA/Awwwards STOM), and Batman… Read more…

Romain Altain Aldea
Heads In the Cloud & Creativity On the Go
Michael’s talk focuses on the mutations of creative people since the rise of mobile devices and Cloud services. He’ll discuss how designers use their smartphones and tablets to capture inspiration… Read more…

Michaël Chaize
High on Pixels for Business and Pleasure
This is a talk about what can happen when your only qualification is to make computer screens flash in interesting ways, and you get dragged off into grand schemes together… Read more…

Remi Pedersen
How to Jump off a Cliff – and Live to Tell the Tale
When embarking on an innovation project, Björn always feels like he’s standing on a ledge looking down into an abyss. And then he jump. Or at least that’s what it feels… Read more…

Björn Kummeneje
Perfect Fools
How to Stay Innovative in the Digital Age
In the fast-paced age of digital advertising, staying innovative and profitable is the real challenge. Listen in and get inspired by real case studies, new technologies and a bit of craziness.… Read more…

Nicola Bortignon
Iconography / Geometry / Abstraction
Quayola is a visual artist based in London. He investigates dialogues and the unpredictable collisions, tensions and equilibriums between the real and artificial, the figurative and abstract, the old and… Read more…

It’s just the beginning!
Tackle the roller-coaster ride that is a starting up your own studio.
In about 2 years time, FROM FORM has gone from some depressing lows to some amazing highs; they… Read more…

JavaScript Workout
Are you wondering what else is there, beyond JavaScript in a cage called the browser?
Join this session to see how you can interact with sensors, electronics or crowd data.… Read more…

Wouter Verweirder
Play by Your Own Rules
Jessica’s talk focuses on the value of play and its importance, both biologically and historically. She’ll discuss how play is at the heart of any creative process requiring innovation and how to program… Read more…

Jessica Walsh
Sagmeister & Walsh
Selling Out is No Longer a Sin, But Being Boring Is
Take the power of The Mill, add design and animation directors, and the result is Mill+.
Carl will take you through how some of the best Mill+ work was made.… Read more…

Carl Addy
Signal, Noise and Machine
In this talk, So will cover drawing machines which aren’t perfectly controlled by numbers, 3D printed sculpture which uses errors and imperfectness of system intentionally, and predicting the future while not forgetting… Read more…

So Kanno
The Human Element and the Magic of Modern Day Technologies
Artifical Rome’s talk will revolve around things that have inspired them in the past, the beauty of code, how technologies force themselves into projects, the human element and the magic… Read more…

Artificial Rome
Art & Technology
The Joy of Order
The “joy” of order? Seriously? Isn’t “order” practically the number one ingredient of all things boring? Didn’t our parents work hard so we can live in these beautifully chaotic times… Read more…

Mario Klingemann
The Rapid Prototyping, Creative Incubating, Lean Startup
Tell everyone your agency has a lab. (Go on, it will give you an excuse to fail. And everyone’s always going on about how important it is to fail.) You’ll… Read more…

Hoss Gifford
Things Imperfect
Brendan will prove that any object, anything that is designed or made, can and should be imbued with the capacity to be loved. To him, that means creating objects with almost… Read more…

Brendan Dawes
Typography on the Web
Michael’s talk is an introduction to typography for creatives who want initiation into this creative field. After a brief history of typography, he’ll explain how to train your eyes to… Read more…

Michaël Chaize
Unboring Service Design with Craft & Creativity
This talk takes a look at the emerging role of service design and how creativity can make a difference. With business models changing rapidly, focus is shifting from product to services… Read more…

Daniël Sytsma
Understanding Your Core
What’s at our core opens a world of opportunity for each and every one of us.
Naomi shares her stories of how understanding her core has enabled her to achieve… Read more…

Naomi Atkinson
Whosit & Whatsit
Unfinished Business
Ubi is an idea factory, but when it comes to those that are scribbled down on scraps of paper that would ordinarily seem destined never to be brought to life,… Read more…

Ubi de Feo
Web vs. Native: Round One?
In this talk, Chris discusses the historic problems with web apps, and sheds light on new web platform features that are filling the holes. This includes device APIs such as… Read more…

Chris Mills
Workshop: HTML5 Canvas – Flappy Bird in a day
Note: This all day workshop will run from 10-5pm on Sunday February 22, and is available to WORKS and WORKSHOP ticket holders.
The Flappy Bird internet phenomenon was rumored to be… Read more…
Sakri Rosenstrom
Workshop: Learn How to Draw (better) in One Day
Note: This all day workshop will run from 10-5pm on Sunday February 22, and is available to WORKS and WORKSHOP ticket holders.
When I was an art student, I used to… Read more…

Yuko Shimizu
YEAR 2000
The brothers Mingarro (AKA Brosmind) will analyze how their peculiar background influenced their current career, and will reflect on how the legacy of artists becomes a good way to talk… Read more…

You’re Never Too Old to Achieve Your Dream
Yuko reflects on the ‘miserable’ career she had in corporate world, and the moment she made up her mind and decided to pursue her dream of becoming an artist – at a time… Read more…

Yuko Shimizu