Web Unleashed 2014

2014-09-17 00:00:00 2014-09-19 00:00:00 America/Toronto Web Unleashed 2014 By attending Web Unleashed, you will get up-to-date on the skills to push you ahead in your career. You'll also have the opportunity to network and share ideas with like-minded professionals. Toronto FITC Toronto


Jedi Mind Trick: Networking, Selling and Pitching

Kevin Airgid
Creative Director, Airgid Media Inc.
User Interface Algorithms

Mark DiMarco
Senior UI Engineer, Bazaarvoice
Rapid Interactive Prototyping – How Designers can Embrace the Need for Speed

Mike Costanzo
UX and UI Design Lead, Rangle.io
HTML5 Gaming for Primetime

Kyle Shay
R&D Lead and Game Developer , Workinman
Integrating User Experience and Agile

Bermon Painter
Global Innovation & Design Leader, Slalom
Front-End Workflows with Gulp

Bermon Painter
Global Innovation & Design Leader, Slalom
New Shiny in ECMAScript 6

Marcos Caceres
Platform Architect, Mozilla
Unleashing the Power of 3D with WebJS

Mickey MacDonald
Technical Evangelist, Microsoft
Functional Web Development – An Introduction to React.js

Bertrand Karerangabo
Keeping Your HTML Semantic with SASS

Ray Villalobos
Author and Teacher, Lynda.com
Workshop – Getting into Angular

Ray Villalobos
Author and Teacher, Lynda.com
JS Showdown

Brian Holt
Senior Cloud Developer Advocate, Microsoft
Groundwork for a Modern Web UI

Dan Nagle
Author and Senior Software Engineer, DanNagle.com
Introduction to HTML5 Game Development and Distribution

Dan Nagle
Author and Senior Software Engineer, DanNagle.com
Powerful backend & API Solutions for single-page applications

Matias Niemelä
Software Engineer, AngularJS Google
Chrome Apps for Mobile

Michal Mocny
Software Engineer, Google
Node.js 101

Rami Sayar
Senior Technical Evangelist, Microsoft
Web Components

Jeff Tapper
Founding Partner, Digital Primates
4-way Data-binding: Offline Data Synchronization in AngularJS

Daniel Zen
CEO, zen.digital
Introduction to AngularJS: Performance, Tooling & Core Features

Caitlin Potter
Engineer, The Angular Project
Front-end Driven Applications (What, Why, How, Not Yet)

Cody Lindley
Developer Advocate, Telerik
Twitter Bootstrap Unleashed

Rami Sayar
Senior Technical Evangelist, Microsoft
D3.js – From Zero to Data Viz Hero

Kent English
Senior Developer, CrowdRiff
Responsive Typography

Jason Pamental
Principal Designer,  Chewy.com
The Inverted Web and the Future of the Internet

Nick Van Weerdenburg
Founder, Rangle.io
How to Ship Accessible Web Products

George Zamfir
Accessibility Product Manager, Slack
Unit Testing Front End JavaScript

Yuri Takhteyev
CTO, Rangle.io
Syncing Async

Kyle Simpson
Human-Centric Technologist, Getify
Bringing Virtual Reality to the Web: VR, WebGL and CSS – Together At Last!

Vladimir Vukicevic
Engineering Director, Mozilla
Improving Game Performance in the Browser

Mickey MacDonald
Technical Evangelist, Microsoft
Building Apps with Ember

Yehuda Katz
Co-founder, Tilde Inc
Pocket WebGL: What WebGL support on mobile means for HTML5 games

Chris Shankland
Lead Developer, Big Viking Games
Managing Responsive Design Projects

Andrew Smyk
Educator & UX Designer, Sheridan College
Happy Clients, Happy Life!

Lanny Geffen
Director of User Experience and Strategy, OneMethod
Designing for Mobile – An Overview of Early Stage UX Processes

Raine Qian
Manager of Product Design, Pivotal Labs
Getting to the Heart of Agile

Jamie Strachan
Application Development Manager, Info-Tech Research Group
Building for the Material web with Polymer and Dart

Faisal Abid
Going Hybrid Mobile with Ionic and AngularJS

Gerred Dillon
Build Supercharged Web Apps with AngularJS

Gerred Dillon
Squishy Pixels

Varun Vachhar
Technical Director, rangle.io
Media Source Extensions

Jeff Tapper
Founding Partner, Digital Primates
Building Mobile Web Apps That Don’t Suck

Frédéric Harper
Senior Developer Advocate, DigitalOcean
SVG: The DOM for Graphics

Tasveer Singh
CTO, HoodQ
The Internet of Shapes

Brenna O’Brien
Lead Developer & Instructor, HackerYou
WebRTC: Realtime Communication for Everyone!

Lisa Larson-Kelley
Founder + CEO, Quantious