FITC Toronto 2019

2019-04-29 00:00:00 2019-05-02 00:00:00 America/Toronto FITC Toronto 2019 FITC Toronto is a three-day professional celebration of the best the world has to offer in design, web development, media and innovation in creative technologies. Toronto FITC EST Toronto


Inspired by the joy of eating, and the eating of joy, Emilie Baltz will explore how food can be used as a metaphor (and medium) for creative provocation & emotional engagement. Part primer, part performance, this talk will explore the history of food-as-creative-provocateur, and reveal how this foundation can be used to fuel new inventions in interactive design. Leveraging her own work in creative technology, Emilie will reveal the process behind her projects including the Dream Machine: A Instrument for Smelling Feelings, the Lickestra: a Lickable Ice Cream Orchestra, an Artificial Intelligence Dinner and more…


Reveal the possibilities for creativity in everyday materials and inspire new definitions and possibilities in interaction design.

Target Audience

People who want to make (and feel) feelings

Assumed Audience Knowledge

Basic knowledge of how to pick up a banana, smell air, and use your elbows

Five Things Audience Members Will Learn

  1. Novel ways of using sensing technology
  2. Why being embarrassed helps creativity
  3. New definitions of interaction design
  4. How to use play & prototyping to improve teamwork
  5. The importance of breakfast