For front-end devs, the deployment platform is a browser, yet few know what is going on under the hood and how browsers work. This talk aims to de-mystify and explore the browser as a platform.
It will be an exploration of browser internals, covering items such as how JS is run in the browser, how painting works, exactly how many threads are running, how the Event Loop & Call Stacks work, animation frames and an exploration of lesser known tools and APIs.
Attendees will leave with an understanding and respect of browser internals, allowing them to write better JS.
Target Audience
Developers with an interest in understanding the browser as a platform
Assumed Audience Knowledge
Some working knowledge of Javascript
Five Things Audience Members Will Learn
- How does JS run in the browser?
- How are items painted on the screen?
- How does the call stack work?
- Exactly how many threads are running?
- What are some of the lesser known browser APIs?