Web Unleashed 2016
A Cartoon Guide To Performance in React
Everyone talks about how performant React is… but why? What makes people talk about how speedy React is? In this talk, you’ll learn *why* people talk about React being fast, and… Read more…

Lin Clark
A Day in The Life of a Developer Bo$$
You are coding ninja. CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, HTML5?… They bend to your will. But what about all those other skills? Time management, client meetings, project planning, brainstorming sessions, or giving… Read more…
A Round Table on The State of Front-End: (Ember, Angular, React)
Join seasoned front-end developers in a (probably, mostly) non inflammatory discussion on the state of front-end frameworks. Part of this discussion will focus on the ongoing React v Ember v… Read more…
Accessibility Models in Tech Companies
Where does accessibility fit in the product development lifecycle? Who owns it? How to build empathy and a culture supportive of accessibility? How to conduct user research & usability studies?
Join the… Read more…
Angular 2 Design Patterns
Learning a new framework is hard and it is often tempting to try to reuse the best practices you have learned from another framework. However every framework has it’s own… Read more…

Rob McDiarmid
Bringing a Passion Project to Life
After years of successful services work, Relish Interactive set out to create their first piece of original content. A digital first franchise, The Incredible Tales of Weirdwood Manor is an… Read more…

Paul Pattison
Browser Internals for JS Devs
For front-end devs, the deployment platform is a browser, yet few know what is going on under the hood and how browsers work. This talk aims to de-mystify and explore… Read more…

Alexander Blom
Isle of Code
Building Enterprise Grade Front-End Applications With JavaScript Frameworks
Web applications are replacing desktop apps in a lot of enterprises. In this talk we’ll look at why we should build web apps in the enterprise. Specifically, we’ll look at… Read more…

Chad Upton
Building Interactive npm Command Line Applications
Here you are coding away, when you realize you’re in desperate need of a quick shell script to get your project cleaned up. You’re standing at a fork in the… Read more…

Irina Shestak
Small Media Foundation
Building Node Microservices With Docker & Swarm
Node is not a toy anymore! Node is powering your production apps and you are struggling with the complexity, bugs and feature requests you need. You just don’t know how… Read more…

Rami Sayar
Building Up Without Burning Out
Our industry flaunts burnout like some bizarre badge of honor. Many believe it’s the only way to prove you’re dedicated to your trade, or that advancing your technical knowledge can… Read more…

Alicia Sedlock
Society of Grownups
Creating Beautiful, Accessible and User-Friendly Forms
Forms are often a key part of websites: they allow users to buy things, sign up, participate, communicate, and get things done. But why are so many online forms confusing,… Read more…

Clarissa Peterson
CSS Layout Techniques: Replacing Floats With Flexbox
CSS floats have been the primary way that we define web layout for almost the past decade. They’ve worked pretty well over the years but times are changing. Flexbox is… Read more…

Bermon Painter
CSS Variables: var(–subtitle)
You may have heard about CSS variables (aka CSS custom properties), but think it’s not something you can use yet. Plus, you already have your preprocessor pipeline in place, why… Read more…

Lea Verou
Design & Front-End: Couples Therapy
Wondering why your designers are pestering you about line height again? Nudging elements over 3 pixels… and then back again? Having to explain the difference between margin and padding for… Read more…

Liam Oscar Thurston
Loblaw Digital
Dirty Little Tricks From The Dark Corners Of Front-End
Do you love the <object> tag, too? How do you feel about responsive image maps? Have you ever tried to work around complex tables, nasty carousels, endless country selectors and… Read more…

Vitaly Friedman
Smashing Magazine
Distributing UI Libraries in a Post-Web-Component World
Modern UI component libraries built with or influenced by web components will be more modular and rely more heavily on package management than last generation UI frameworks. In this 45… Read more…

Rachael L Moore
DownTheRabbitHole.js – How to Stay Sane in an Insane Ecosystem
Today it feels like Javascript tools and libraries are popping like up mushrooms. And just like fungi, if you pick the wrong one, it could lead to some real suffering.… Read more…

Branden Hall
Automata Studios
Easy Data for PhoneGap Apps With PouchDB
You have many options for handling data when developing hybrid mobile apps using PhoneGap/Cordova. PouchDB is a free, open source, in-browser database solution inspired by CouchDB that allows you to… Read more…

Holly Schinsky
Embrace Conflict. Improve Collaboration
One of the largest problems that we face on teams and within organizations is the illusion that communication has taken place. In most cases, when we are faced with the… Read more…

Bermon Painter
Extending JS
React, Angular, TypeScript… Over the past few years, all these names took part in a fashionable phenomenon, pushed by the big names of the web industry. But what if a parallel… Read more…

Francis Bourre
Docler Holding
The web development industry is an incredibly fast growing and fast moving industry. Those relatively new to it can sometimes be overwhelmed with the increasing complexity of their job, what… Read more…

Haris Mahmood
Friendly Ghost Stories: Using CasperJS to Automate the Web
Using a ‘headless’ browser such as PhantomJS allows for lots of different opportunities in interacting with the web. Users can programmatically query and scrape data, monitor network activity, capture screenshots and perform… Read more…

Engin Arslan
Front-End Developers Can Make Games, Too!
We’ve seen front-end technologies advance in ways that have opened a world of possibilities for building websites and applications. But what happens when we take these technologies and use them… Read more…

Alicia Sedlock
Society of Grownups
Getting Started With Jekyll for Static Sites
Static site development has become popular again partly because they offer great performance and security but also partly because modern tools have made them much easier to develop and maintain.… Read more…

Brian Rinaldi
Help Wanted: Using UX to Your Advantage
Over the past ten years the world of digital tools has shifted from B2B to B2C. Interfaces that were once purely utilitarian have taken a path that not only integrated… Read more…

Mariah Hay
Help Scout
Increasing Effectiveness As A Technical Candidate/Interviewer
In this panel, we’ll discuss various sides of the debate on the most effective ways to be a candidate or to hire technical candidates. We probably all know that we… Read more…
Ionic 2: Your First @App
Ionic has revolutionized the way web developers make the transition mobile development, but there’s always room to improve and make the lives of new app developers easier. With Ionic 2,… Read more…

Mike Hartington
JavaScript Speech Recognition
Learn how you can use speech recognition effectively in the browser and on mobile platforms. We’ll discuss what is speech recognition, go over the current state of the W3C Web… Read more…

Simon MacDonald
Jedi Principles of UI Animation
Over the past years, web and mobile designers started to use animation more and more often not just to delight, but also to tell the story and to drive user… Read more…

Kit Oliynyk
Fannie Mae
Level Up Your Design and Development Team SVG Workflow
It can be a struggle to translate the details of a design vision into the browser. Creating bitmap images, icons, and graphics can be time consuming and result in inconsistency… Read more…

Robyn Larsen
International Growth @ Shopify
Life API: Using Personal Data For Life Gains And Well Being
Personal data can be super useful, but usually keeping track of anything it involves a lot of unused mobile apps and expensive trackers. What if you could just… code your… Read more…

Jane Kim
MIDI is Staging a Comeback… in Your Browser!
If you own an electronic music instrument made in the last 3 decades, it most likely supports the MIDI protocol. What if I told you that it is now possible to… Read more…

Jean-Philippe Côté
Need For Speed: Tips to Optimize Your Website
No one likes to wait. Whether it’s waiting for a bus, the elevator or a site to load, it can be a frustrating experience. Slow sites lead to lost conversions… Read more…

Anne Thomas
Out of the Sandbox
Next Level UI Building Blocks With Angular2
Angular2 comes packed with a high level animation language which features animation sequencing, staggering, intelligent styling, and a sophisticated choreography. With this vast collection of features, alongside the framework’s powerful UI state… Read more…

Matias Niemelä
AngularJS Google
Observables: Powerful Tools for Async
The Observable type and the operators that come with the libraries that implement them are extremely powerful and expressive tools to manage events in programs. Whether your application has lots… Read more…

Alex Wilmer
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
Once Upon a Drop Cap: A Look at Typography as UX
What we have to say has always been intimately intertwined with how we say it. Design is about communicating those ideas and influencing users’ behavior, so it follows that influence… Read more…

Jason Pamental
Performance: Beyond Your Portfolio
Nowadays, user expectations of web applications are higher than ever. Unfortunately for developers, with the web changing at an exponential pace, our jobs are becoming more difficult. To keep up… Read more…

Luke DeWitt
Process Hacking With Rangle Flow
Following a good process can make a huge difference for a success of a software project. At Rangle.io we have had an lucky opportunity to refine our approach to software… Read more…

Yuri Takhteyev
Programming Play
The dreaded moment: you feel stagnant, creatively uninspired, maybe even, dare I say it… burnt out? Whether it’s a result of long hours, or boredom through familiarity, being blocked can… Read more…

Stacey Mulcahy
Microsoft Garage
Prototyping for Speed and Scale
Want to unlock the full potential of your design team? Need to understand how interaction, animation, and moments of delight come together to shape an experience for your users? Leveraging… Read more…

Carl Sziebert
Real World React Debugging
Writing fresh code is always more fun than debugging that old stuff you wrote last week, but sometimes you just have to bite the bullet.
Learn how to use the… Read more…

Jared Forsyth
Khan Academy
Rebuilding Facebook Comments Plugin With React
Facebook relaunched two web apps recently: a third-party commenting plugin and a moderation tool to go with it. Both were rebuilt from the ground up using Facebook’s latest open source… Read more…

Stoyan Stefanov
Seductive Platform: Building Tooling Teams Love To Use
Many small engineering organizations, while trying to build products as quickly as possible, find themselves realizing the consequences of incurring technical debt. Different teams may choose incompatible technologies, using what… Read more…

Scott Biggart
Service Workers For Everyone!
If you haven’t heard about service workers yet, you are definitely going to start! Service workers allow us to cache our content, perform background tasks and much more! Let’s look… Read more…

Ryan Christiani
Slaying the Dragon: Refactoring CSS Using Sass
Refactoring is a practice that is often overlooked when it comes to CSS. As a result, styles seem to just grow and grow, until no one knows for sure which… Read more…

Alicia Liu
Stakeholder Experience Design
The first experience you design is for your stakeholders — and your project’s success depends on it. I’ll discuss the importance of managing stakeholder anxiety and how a structured discovery… Read more…

Mike Costanzo
Start Using ES6 Today
This talk will focus on a the aspects of ES6 that you can start using today – tips and techniques that will make writing JavaScript more enjoyable by solving everyday… Read more…

Wes Bos
Taking Audio to The Next Level With HTML5
With Lana’s unique client history, including Lady Antebellum, Miley Cyrus and Britney Spears audio has played a huge part in her website work. In her presentation, she will not only… Read more…

Lana Phillips
The Evolution and Future of Content Publishing
The content publishing industry took the world by storm some years ago by providing its users visual tools to update, manage, and publish their content. Large players have existed for… Read more…

Haris Mahmood
The Humans Are Dead, We Are All Bots Now
Public Enemy once said “Don’t believe the hype”, so it’s easy enough to take the concept of “conversational bots” and dismiss them like many of the other hyped-up technologies with… Read more…

Tommy Lewis
Microsoft Canada
The Tangible Web
From art installations to real estate showrooms, Branden and his team have found success in sticking web technologies in unexpected places. They’re using HTML as a sort of universal canvas –… Read more…

Branden Hall
Automata Studios
Thinking Outside The Little Black Box: Interaction Design in The Post-Mobile Era
It will soon be economically feasible to put chips, sensors, actuators, and radios into a wide range of previously “dumb” everyday items. The resulting explosion of connected objects will have… Read more…

Jonathan Stark
VR With JavaScript
Seems like, this time, VR is here to stay. Browsers have yet to officially support WebVR but experimental versions have been available for months. Yet, that has not stopped people… Read more…

Ricardo Cabello
Web Developers, Please Meet… The Physical World!
If you are a web developer, you already have most of the necessary knowledge to get started in physical computing. This talk will show you how easy it is to… Read more…

Jean-Philippe Côté
Webfonts LIVE: The 27* Best Techniques To Rock Your Web Typography
While that may be a completely arbitrary number, we will indeed explore a whole lot of techniques to help you implement web fonts well and get the best performance and… Read more…

Jason Pamental
Presented by FITC x DevTO
What Comes Next Is the Future is a documentary film about the web created by Bearded founder Matt Griffin. It is the story of Tim… Read more…
What Pokemon Go and Smart Kitchens Taught Us About Design
Pokemon Go’s mass adoption of augmented reality is here. In this talk, we’ll look at lesson’s learned from the Pokemon phenomenon and dissect a recent project where we were tasked… Read more…

Ron Edelen
What The Heck is WebAssembly, And Do I Have to Learn C Now?
JavaScript has always had a special place on the web, until now. Last year, every major browser vendor joined together in forming a W3C Community Group to collaborate on “a… Read more…

Dan Callahan
Workshop – ES6: The Right Parts
Note: This is a full day workshop and will be held on Oct 2, and is available to those with a WORKS or WORKSHOP ticket.
In this one-day workshop, we’ll… Read more…

Kyle Simpson
Workshop: Angular 2
Note: This is a full day workshop and will be held on Oct 2, and is available to those with a WORKS or WORKSHOP ticket.
AngularJS is the leading open source… Read more…

Varun Vachhar
Workshop: Smart Responsive Design Patterns: Front-End & Performance
Note: This is a full day workshop and will be held on Oct 2, and is available to those with a WORKS or WORKSHOP ticket.
With HTTP/2, service workers, responsive… Read more…

Vitaly Friedman
Smashing Magazine