カナダ生まれ、中国育ちで、現在ニューヨークに拠点を置いている ソウゲン・チュン(Sougwen Chung)は、トランジショナルエッジを特長とするインターディシプリナリー(複数分野にまたがる)アーティストです。インスタレーション、彫刻、静止画、絵画、パフォーマンスといった幅広い芸術活動を通して、エクスペリメンタルアートに対して多角的なアプローチを行っています。 チュンの作品はソフトウェア、サウンド、光、空間を触媒とした表現方法が特長です。彼女のインスタレーションでは複雑な構造に対して複数層から成る光が当てられ、各種媒体を通してスペースエクスペリエンスに昇華させています。 彼女の作品は北米、ヨーロッパ、アジアのエグジビションで紹介されています。最近の展示会場には、スイス、ジュネーブのMuseum of Contemporary Art、ニューヨーク、ブルックリンの319 Scholesが含まれています。その他にもThe New Yorker、Dazed and Confused、Cool Hunting、The Creators Projectにも作品が掲載されています。

Sougwen 愫君 Chung is a Chinese-Canadian artist and (re)searcher based in New York. Chung’s work explores the mark-made-by-hand and the mark-made-by-machine as an approach to understanding the dynamics of humans and systems.

Her speculative critical practice spans performance, installation, and drawings which have been featured in numerous exhibitions at museums and galleries around the world.

Chung is a former research fellow at MIT’s Media Lab and a pioneer in the field of human-machine collaboration. In 2019, she was selected as the Woman of the Year in Monaco for achievement in the Arts & Sciences and received the Lumen Prize for Art in Technology. She is a featured TED Speaker, discussing her process in post-human collaboration and her project using AI and robots was featured on the cover of Art in America. In 2018 she was an inaugural E.A.T. Artist in Resident in partnership with New Museum and Bell Labs, and was awarded a commission for her project Omnia per Omnia. In 2016, Chung received Japan Media Art’s Excellence Award in for her project, Drawing Operations.

Chung has been awarded Artist in Residence positions at Google, Eyebeam, Japan Media Arts, and Pier 9 Autodesk. In 2014, she was selected as one of the Top 20 New Visual Artists by Print Magazine.