FITC Toronto 2021

2021-04-19 00:00:00 2021-04-22 00:00:00 America/Toronto FITC Toronto 2021 Drive your career to the forefront by learning the latest tools, techniques and technologies in digital creation. Online FITC EDT Online



A colour-filled enthusiastic presentation of all things creative.

Gavin plots his creative journey through his time in the design and film industry– picking it apart and extracting the lessons and learnings from it all. He’ll also move around quite vigorously and gesticulate wildly the whole time. It’s loud, silly, and hopefully energizing. He wants to get you excited to make more of the stuff that makes your heart sing.


To excite, engage and inspire!

Things Audience Members Will Learn

  • How to live
  • How to laugh
  • How to love

Target Audience

Everyone! Hopefully it’s entertaining first, and educational second.