Humans are distinct from the rest of the animal continuum with our complex communication, narratives, storytelling, and world creating. We gather around the campfire absorbing tales. We read books to our kids at night awakening their sense of an expansive imaginative world. Children’s books, fine art, and literature are loaded with clever communication.
Adina’s favorite children’s books use visuals (visual and written) to awaken the imagination and engage us in a journey. Her favorite art distills narrative into something smaller and contained which represents a much larger story.
At Blacklist they engage their audience when they guide them thoughtfully and passionately into their imagination. When they pitch, they are asking someone to join them on a journey.
Style is most substantive when there is story to back it up.
Three Things Audience Members Will Learn
- Consider the role of story
- Consider the role of style
- Consider how they work together to better affect