A few years ago we were front-end developers. These days, as the tools we use to build the web are getting better, easier, and more powerful, we’ve suddenly become full-stack developers. Let’s take a look at what happened and how we can take full advantage of our new super powers.
Make the case that front-end developers have become a lot more powerful which is both empowering and a burden.
Target Audience
People who self-identify as front-end developers, or anybody interested in web development.
Assumed Audience Knowledge
Chris won’t be covering what HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are. This will be a bit higher-level than that anyway, but still assume that kind of knowledge. Best if you’ve built a website or two in your career already.
Five Things Audience Members Will Learn
- What’s been going on with front-end development
- How to think about what a front-end developer is
- What they might want to focus on going forward if they care about working on websites
- Why components are a big deal
- What superpowers a JavaScript focused skillset gives you