Purpastoe.com is chronicling the artistic love affair between Jemma Gura (prate.com) and Dustin Amery Hostetler (upso.org.) Purpastoe is split up into installments, each one unique and yet part of the whole. For their newest installment, Jemma and Dustin are working with Branden Hall on an interactive time line that shows how their two lives have intertwining patterns of relevance. The time lines will chronicle their lives prior to meeting, all the friends they had in common, some of the projects they worked on (separately and together) and expose connections. The time line will be ongoing, as they begin a career together, and this project will show that patterns are everywhere. The time line architecture, created by Branden, will be interactive, and show how different criteria (projects, or places for example) create unique patterns, topography and graphs. Jemma and Dustin will take visual data from this engine, and create original works of art, displayed for the first time at Flash in the Can.