Spotlight UX/UI 2019

2019-06-14 00:00:00 2019-06-15 00:00:00 America/Toronto Spotlight UX/UI 2019 User experience and interface (UX/UI) design is still one of the fastest growing fields of web design, and the discipline is constantly changing and innovating.  From commercial and retail platforms needing to keep up with the user’s habits of scrolling and shopping on the go,… Toronto FITC EST Toronto



What’s your design title at work? UI/UI designer, product designer, interaction or visual designer? Undoubtedly, it only begins to scratch the surface of the numerous skills or tasks you do daily. Our roles as designers are ever-changing and just like a good design system… what you bring to the table needs to adapt and scale too. This talk dissects how our roles in design can evolve; shares transparent stories on burnout; and proposes healthy methods for fostering dynamic career growth as a designer.


Provide context and a lens for attendees to assess their design career; with hopes of aiding their future growth/satisfaction as a designer

Target Audience

For individual contributors, managers, or anyone on a design/product team

Five Things Audience Members Will Learn

  1. Google’s approach to structuring design teams across disciple & how they compliment each other
  2. Strategies in self-awareness as a professional
  3. How to identify and prevent burnout
  4. How to “have a seat as the table”
  5. How to define your value as a designer