FITC Hollywood 2007

2007-10-22 00:00:00 2007-10-24 00:00:00 America/Toronto FITC Hollywood 2007 This fall, FITC comes to Hollywood for its second year, to facilitate the interaction of key content industry drivers with the best content delivery technology in the capital of entertainment and rich media. FITC Hollywood is the first conference to bridge this gap, helping to… Hollywood FITC Hollywood



Bringing together the worlds of Marketing, Art and Software Development, the New Media and Interactive Marketing space has created enormous potential for experimentation, innovation and creativity. On any given day, an Interactive developer may work with a video producer, an SMS provider, a print illustrator, a marketing executive and a database administrator. With all these diverse backgrounds moving in their own direction, how does anything ever get done? As the industry continues to evolve and grow at a rapid pace, perhaps one of the biggest challenges for the future is not a lack of ideas, resource or technical capability, but the understanding and awareness of all these moving pieces and how the respective teams work together.

In this presentation we will look at some recent work from AKQA including the Palm onTreo Digital Billboard and Website. This multi-channel project integrated video production, Flash development, web services, mobile, a physical installation, and Print design. We will discuss the creative inspiration, the development process and the challenges we faced, focusing on the workflow between the various team members. What did we learn about the technologies, the process, team collaboration and how to manage all the moving parts?

Who this presentation is for:

Designers, developers, project managers, account executives and anyone involved in or interested in creating integrated digital experiences.

What attendees will walk away with:
Check out some cool work and get an understanding of all the moving pieces – and perhaps more important, all the various people behind the work. The hope is that we will begin to see the Interactive world as not an extension of our current discipline, but rather as an new industry; one that requires a new approach and new processes.