Web Unleashed 2016

2016-10-03 00:00:00 2016-10-05 00:00:00 America/Toronto Web Unleashed 2016 If you're a front-end developer, or aspire to be one, then you know how quickly the space changes. By attending Web Unleashed, you will get up-to-date on the skills to push you ahead in your career. Toronto FITC Toronto



10:00 To 5:00
Workshop – ES6: The Right Parts
Note: This is a full day workshop and will be held on Oct 2, and is available to those with a WORKS or WORKSHOP ticket. In this one-day workshop, we’ll dig into a bunch of new changes to JavaScript as of ES6 and even get a glimpse of a few things on the horizon. The most important takeaway is that… Read more…
Kyle Simpson

Human-Centric Technologist, Getify

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Workshop: Smart Responsive Design Patterns: Front-End & Performance
Note: This is a full day workshop and will be held on Oct 2, and is available to those with a WORKS or WORKSHOP ticket. With HTTP/2, service workers, responsive images, Flexbox, SVG, WAI-ARIA roles and font loading API now available in browsers, we all are still trying to figure out just the right strategy for designing and building responsive… Read more…
Vitaly Friedman

Editor-in-Chief, Smashing Magazine

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Workshop: Angular 2
Note: This is a full day workshop and will be held on Oct 2, and is available to those with a WORKS or WORKSHOP ticket. AngularJS is the leading open source JavaScript application framework backed by Google. The “1.x” version of AngularJS has been used quite widely. Version 2 of the framework provides a different more innovative approach to building web… Read more…
Varun Vachhar

Technical Director, rangle.io

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