Sometimes if you’re lucky, you get asked to do a really big project. If the project is a good stretch or you need to pay the bills, then of course you have to say yes. Hopefully you know how to do it, but if you don’t…then you need to learn the necessary skills — fast. This is the story of taking on giant, expensive projects with hard deadlines and many unrelated skills. How to persuade collaborators to be on your side, motivated to work their asses off and love you anyway.
Entertain the audience with failures and eff-ups (and some success too) while inspiring them to try new things
Target Audience
Anyone looking for a reason to lose their fear of leveling up.
Assumed Audience Knowledge
Interest in art, electronics and how money influences projects
Five things audience members will learn
- What it feels like to have to learn to code in a short period of time (hint: easier than it sounds)
- What it feels like to have to think about data in terms of something beautiful in a short period of time (hint: way, way harder than it sounds)
- How to pretend you can do anything
- About working with collaborators that will help you grow
- Dirty secrets about how much and how little you can get paid to make the fantastic