FITC Vancouver 2012
Building Fun (with CreateJS & HTML5)
Building games is fun! Building web-deployed, device-friendly, multi-player games using bleeding-edge web standards is fun AND challenging. This session will explore the process and challenges of building a collection of online… Read more…

Grant Skinner
Changing Channels: Reinventing Traditional Business Models
Advertising and brand marketing, film and TV production and distribution, game development, music and publishing — media business models are undergoing seismic shifts today and many of us who’ve played… Read more…
Chaos Reigns: Grid Systems to Silence the Screaming Voices
With a renaissance in good web design and HTML5, grids give us concepts and techniques to give structure and alignment in a backdrop of chaos. Come learn from my journey… Read more…

Tommy Lewis
Microsoft Canada
Create More, Better, Different
If you want to succeed you have to do more, do it better, and be original. You have to be the one with the ideas. You have to be creative.… Read more…

Jason Theodor
Creative Coding Roundup
Whether you’re an experienced designer or developer, the chance to expand your toolset with one of the many creative coding frameworks is an invaluable opportunity – and today it’s easier… Read more…
Jesse Scott
In order to reach our goals in the upside-down world of graphic design, you need to be a rogue. A misfit. A renegade. James White from the Signalnoise Studio has… Read more…

James White
Designing responsibly
Responsive web design is changing how designers and developers create web content. The growing variety of device form factors and locations where content is consumed is fundamentally changing existing designer/developer… Read more…
Jacob Surber
Getting Your Feet Wet with Responsive Design
Packing a serious buzzword alert, this session will cover what responsive design is, and isn’t. From design and development considerations, to frameworks, tools and mindsets, this session is aimed towards… Read more…

Stacey Mulcahy
Microsoft Garage
How to Give Everything Away
This is a discussion about sharing. Sharing code and ideas, and collaborating on artwork. Sharing personal information, and learning about the difference between what’s public and private. It’s about what… Read more…

Kyle McDonald
Make Something Ugly: An Experimental Creative Process
There is a theory that the most successful and prolific designers are those who implement experimentation and exploration into their design process. It is those designers that end up innovating… Read more…

Myron Campbell
Metro: Anatomy of a Visual Design Language
That looks like Apple! That looks like Google! That looks like Facebook! A visual design language is what brings everything together and provides familiarity, consistency, and aesthetic to what you… Read more…

Tommy Lewis
Microsoft Canada
Scalable and Modular CSS FTW!
If you’re working on a large project with a lot of hands in the CSS pot, then your CSS may be doomed to code bloat failure. Scalable and modular CSS… Read more…

Denise Jacobs
Simplicity Through Complexity
Tangible Interaction’s projects all share a basic premise: to connect an audience through a simple, shared experience, on a personal level. The aim is to make people feel alive, real… Read more…
Alex Beim
The Responsive Future
Now that Responsive Design is starting to be a household name and standard practice in the web industry, how will we best move into the responsive future? We’ll discuss the… Read more…
Workshop: Adobe. The Web. The Future.
Web standards are innovating more rapidly than ever before, bringing a vast array of new possibilities to the medium. Which company is better suited to helping you unlock the creative… Read more…
Kevin Hoyt
Workshop: HTML5, Windows 8 & The Underpants Gnomes
Note that this workshop is offered on the pre-event workshop day on Fri Nov 16th and therefore is only available to those who have ‘The Works’ or the ‘Workshop’ ticket.… Read more…

Tommy Lewis
Microsoft Canada