Spotlight UX 2023

2023-06-08 00:00:00 2023-06-09 00:00:00 America/Toronto Spotlight UX 2023 Join us at this exciting event for designers looking to expand their UX skills. Toronto & Online FITC ET Toronto & Online



9:00 To 9:55
9:55 To 10:00
with Ben McEvoy
10:00 To 10:45
11:00 To 11:45
Stop Sprinting; Start Designing!
Paul Eisen

Solutions Director, Blink UX

12:00 To 12:45
12:45 To 1:45
Lunch Break
1:45 To 2:30
2:45 To 3:30
Transformative Leadership in UX
Fernanda Gonzalez

Experience Director, Media.Monks

3:45 To 4:40