Spotlight UX 2023

2023-06-08 00:00:00 2023-06-09 00:00:00 America/Toronto Spotlight UX 2023 Join us at this exciting event for designers looking to expand their UX skills. Toronto & Online FITC ET Toronto & Online


St. Pauls Bloor Street
St. Pauls Bloor Street

St. Paul’s Bloor St. is centrally located at Bloor and Jarvis.

The event will be in the Cody Hall.

Cody Hall features a balcony with plush theatre style seats, and was designed by E.J. Lennox, the architect of Toronto’s Old City Hall, King Edward Hotel and Casa Loma.

This venue is accessible and has wheelchair access.

St. Paul’s Bloor Street, 227 Bloor Street East, Toronto, ON M4W 1C8
Visit Venue Website