Spotlight: Hardware
Arduino: Re-making the Real World
If you’ve seen a piece of interactive, robotic, or electronic art recently that made you say “How’d they do that?” there’s a pretty good chance that the answer involves the word “Arduino.” This… Read more…

Mitchell F. Chan
Baking up some interest in Raspberry Pi
What is a Raspberry Pi?
Meet the Pi with an introduction to its technical bits and bytes. Why is it so important?
If you’ve not already discovered Arduino’s… Read more…
Meet the Pi with an introduction to its technical bits and bytes. Why is it so important?
If you’ve not already discovered Arduino’s… Read more…
Beyond The Mouse
Simple combinations of inexpensive sensors can be used for impressive physical results. This presentation will explore easy ways to trigger physical events from simple hardware combinations: buttons, voice, fire, EL… Read more…

Christopher Lewis
Fire Burns Up, Inc.
Desktop 3D Printing
The Makerbot Replicator 2 is one of the most popular desktop 3D printers on the market today and what we use at Jam3 Media. If you’re thinking of joining the world… Read more…

Tomasz Dysinski
Introduction to Leap Motion
The new Leap Motion brings the fantastical UI of Minority Report to a reality available on your own desktop. Come and explore the Leap Motion and it’s SDK and APIs. Learn how… Read more…

James Eberhardt
Canadian Digital Service
Seeing like software
Most of us experience the world through sight, and increasingly, computers are too. Computer vision and other sensor-based technologies are turning our interactions with software into a more ambient and… Read more…

Andrew Lovett-Barron
Send in the Drones
A year ago, if you said the word drone (or UAV) to me, I would have either thought of a sci-fi movie that I probably didn’t like or some sort… Read more…
The Story of Sensebridge
Sensebridge is a small maker company that emerged out of the cyborg group at noisebridge. It’s most popular product is the North Paw compass anklet kits, which give wearers a… Read more…

Eric Boyd
There is Something in my Eye: Google Glass Development and Design
Google Glass has arrived, and this presentation will cover the fundamentals of the technology Including how it works, what its current capabilities and limitations are, and how to develop for… Read more…

Macy Kuang