FITC Toronto 2017

2017-04-23 00:00:00 2017-04-26 00:00:00 America/Toronto FITC Toronto 2017 FITC Toronto 2017 is a three-day professional celebration of the best the world has to offer in design, web development, media and innovation in creative technologies. Toronto FITC Toronto


In the past few years, animations on the web have evolved dramatically. We are able to build animations that generate and manipulate complex geometry, react to user input and tell captivating stories. Varun finds himself looking at all this amazing work and asking, “How did they do that?”

For web developers, going from working with the DOM to directly manipulating geometry and graphics requires a bit of a mental shift. This talk will explore some basic mathematical concepts that are often encountered when creating animations. Focusing on 2D geometry, Varun will cover topics such as trigonometry, co-ordinate systems, curves and vectors. Making these sometimes intimidating concepts accessible to everyone.


To explore a few basic mathematical concepts used for creating reactive and dynamic animations

Target Audience

For people interested in creating generative graphics and reactive animations for the web

Assumed Audience Knowledge

Basic understanding of SVG, CSS and JavaScript

Five Things Audience Members Will Learn

  1. Coordinate systems
  2. Generating and manipulating 2D shapes
  3. Locating, moving and rotating objects with trigonometry
  4. Using curves to generate paths, easings and springs
  5. Vectors