Web Unleashed 2018

2018-10-01 00:00:00 2018-10-03 00:00:00 America/Toronto Web Unleashed 2018 Drive your career to the forefront by learning the latest tools, techniques and technologies in front-end web development. Toronto FITC Toronto


Have you ever been frustrated by the limitations of CSS? In this talk, Tommy will explore ways that simple JavaScript functions can immensely increase the scope of what CSS can do. You’ll learn how to think about these functions, how to write them, and what they can help you accomplish.


To show developers how to create the styling language they’ve always dreamed of by combining CSS and JavaScript in simple ways.

Target Audience

For front-end developers searching for creative ways to increase the styling power available to them as they build designs in-browser.

Assumed Audience Knowledge

Audience members should be familiar with responsive design and have a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.



Five Things Audience Members Will Learn

  1. How to identify where and how CSS syntax can be split apart for templating
  2. Useful patterns for writing JavaScript functions that extend CSS
  3. What you need to know about JavaScript and DOM APIs in order to write the helper functions you need
  4. How to write helper functions for many commonly requested CSS features, including new selectors, custom at-rules, and more
  5. How to apply your helper functions when designing in-browser