John co-founded Goodboy Digital with Mat Groves in 2013. The company was created specifically to fill the need for quality gaming and interactive experiences on the mobile web in the void left the wake of Flash. John has over 20 years of multi-award winning digital craft under his belt, specializing in marketing and web games. He is a specialist in multi-platform, multi-device design and layout, creating games and content that scale across the vast landscape of screen/input/GPU devices to deliver the best possible version possible on the target device. As an avid gamer (since the days of the Sinclair Spectrum onwards!) he works with his team from core concept to engine design and balancing. Game design and development is an area he feels must be treated as an integrated whole and the best results can only come from a team whose skill sets continuously overlap and all disciplines are in continuous conversation. This team has produced high-profile games for brands such as Disney, Lucasfilm, BBC, Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon, and won numerous industry awards along the way. He can land on the 500pt islands in Monkey Target without assists…