With takram since 2012, Hisato is an award-winning design engineer whose multidisciplinary abilities span from hardware to software and from art to science. After working LEADING EDGE DESIGN corp., Hisato joined takram design engineering in 2012. A recipient of the Good Design Award in 2004 and the German iF Product Design Award in 2005, his work has most recently received acclaim at the Media Arts Festival held by the Japanese National Agency of Cultural Affairs in 2012. He holds a B.Eng. in Department of Mechanical Engineering from the University of Tokyo, and Media-Master degree from the International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS).
FITC Tokyo 2015
東京大学工学部産業機械工学科卒業。岐阜県立国際情報科学芸術アカデミー(IAMAS)、LEADING EDGE DESIGNを経て、2012年よりtakramに参加。ハードウェア、ソフトウェアを問わず、デザイン、エンジニア リング、アート、サイエンスなど、領域横断的な活動を行う。主な受賞に、2004年グッドデザイン賞、2005 年ドイツiFデザイン賞、2012年文化庁メディア芸術祭審査委員会推薦作品など。