This talk is about design, people, and meaning. Let’s call it “Creative Sustainability”, or maybe “Sustainable Creativity” ?
If you cared most about people as a group and our collective welfare you’d probably work at an NGO. If you cared mostly about the individual emotional and personal experience with objects, culture, design and other individuals, you might work contently in advertising design and art. Is there importance and opportunity in connecting the two?
We’ll be discussing the basic philosophy of this approach. Illustrating the benefits creatively, financially, personally, and for society. We’ll try an emergent group-experiment involving the audience, talk about techniques, and examples of inspiring people who have done this throughout time.
Creative people who care about making beautiful, functional things, but also care about the big picture and want to connect those two interests.
Perspective, confidence, thinking-tools, facts, and methods to help connect global to local in their everyday work. To be ready to start practising Creative Sustainability.