Spotlight VR

2015-12-05 00:00:00 2015-12-06 00:00:00 America/Toronto Spotlight VR   Explore technology that transports you into a world of endless possibilities. We’re taking a deep dive into virtual reality and hope you’ll join us to learn how you can leverage this increasingly mainstream technology in your work. This one day event is designed for… Toronto FITC Toronto



Narrative experiences in VR have come a long way this past year, and Secret Location was at the forefront with our Emmy-winning Sleepy Hollow VR experience. This new medium poses many challenges to historically reliable cinematic and scripting techniques, forcing VR storytellers to innovate and develop new strategies to engage audiences.


As the creative lead on Sleepy, I want to share my experiences working on our first VR project and outline our discoveries and challenges around what it takes to tell a meaningful story in virtual reality.

Target Audience

Content creators in the Film & TV industries, game developers, and VR enthusiasts

Assumed Audience Knowledge

Awareness of virtual and augmented reality as new media, and the difference between the two.

Five things audience members will learn

  1. How Secret Location brought Sleepy Hollow to life in VR
  2. A method to script 360ยบ narrative experiences
  3. Live vs computer modelled actors
  4. The importance of audio as an immersion technique
  5. Leveraging contextual interactivity