A quarter century has passed since the first browser was released. Tim Berners-Lee’s pioneering followed by Marc Andreessen’s groundbreaking Mosaic came Navigator, spawning an industry that regaled in loading information onto a screen for users of the internet all over. But today in 2018, complexities have resulted in webpage loading and rendering intricacies. Added, consumer comportment has shifted dramatically, leaving developers with new found duties, notably: the disciplined delivery of data.
We once referred to raw timing data provided by the browser to measure performance. The modern web experience soon demanded metrics beyond DOMContentLoaded and onLoad events, and introduced more complex measurements such as Paint Timing APIs, Network Information APIs and Time To Interactive to name a few. Planet Of The APIs peruses present-day and even experimental practices employed in measuring web apps in the on going pursuit of providing stellar and performant user experiences.
To provide developers with knowledge and understanding of modern performance APIs
Target Audience
This is for the developer who ships web based products
Assumed Audience Knowledge
A basic understanding of web performance
Five Things Audience Members Will Learn
- Modern APIs: their need and uses
- Understanding hardware restrictions
- The challenges of present day resource loading
- Prioritizing interactivity
- Auditing with the available tools