Web Unleashed 2018

2018-10-01 00:00:00 2018-10-03 00:00:00 America/Toronto Web Unleashed 2018 Drive your career to the forefront by learning the latest tools, techniques and technologies in front-end web development. Toronto FITC Toronto

Accessibility TO-DOs
Whether you are a lone accessibility evangelist within your organization or your company has an established accessibility program, anyone can benefit from improving the efficiency of their workflow. Objective Provide… Read more…
Accessibility Panel Work Better
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the Browser
The Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning fields are incredibly vast, but only going to grow bigger. Right now, the majority of individuals in the field are not Javascript developers, but… Read more…
JavaScript Machine Learning Web Dev
Keyfer Mathewson
Building a CSS Architecture for Design Systems
The rise in popularity of front-end frameworks such as Bootstrap has changed how we approach front-end development. Instead of building out one page design at a time, the focus has… Read more…
CSS Design Planning
Christina Truong
Building AR and VR Experiences for Web Apps with JavaScript
It is increasingly important to understand how AR and VR technologies are changing what is possible to do in modern web applications. There are a lot of tools and technologies… Read more…
AR VR Web Dev
Hasan Ahmad
Aquent DEV6
Building Human Interfaces Powered by AI
We are smack in the middle of a hype about AI and whilst we wonder if a robot will take our job tomorrow or a badly configured self-driving car will… Read more…
Accessibility AI Front-End
Christian Heilmann
But I Thought We Had Buy-In
We’ve all been there: weeks into a project, you discover that you and your stakeholders have wildly different ideas about what you’re building — and why, and who it’s for.… Read more…
Process Strategy Work Better
Naomi Bower
Caffeinated Style Sheets: Extending CSS with JavaScript
Have you ever been frustrated by the limitations of CSS? In this talk, Tommy will explore ways that simple JavaScript functions can immensely increase the scope of what CSS can… Read more…
CSS Design JavaScript
Tommy Hodgins
Communicating with Animation: Body Language of the Web
Contrary to popular opinion, UI animation isn’t something to be tacked on just for “polish” or “surprise & delight”. This attitude is why we end up with garish animations and… Read more…
Animation Design UX/UI
Eli Fitch
Composing Components in Angular
Components are a cornerstone of any modern web application, but they can be easy to take for granted. Bloated TypeScript files and tangled component trees make apps difficult to maintain,… Read more…
Angular Frameworks JavaScript
Renee Vrantsidis
CSS State of the Union: Round Table
Try out our new format in a participatory discussion on CSS, which is ever evolving and remains a powerful and sometimes under appreciated tool in the front-end developers toolbox. This… Read more…
CSS JavaScript The B-Side
Bermon Painter
Design Ethics and Doing Good: Round Table
Try out our new format in a participatory discussion on the ethics of being a UX designer. Delve into questions such as: Does being a designer automatically require an ethical… Read more…
Sam Horodezky
Designing Data Visualization
When you think of “data visualization” what is the very first thing that comes to mind? For many, it’s bar graphs, pie charts, and histograms, or maybe some combination thereof.… Read more…
DataViz Design Intermediate UX/UI
Corey Ouellette
Thomson Reuters
Developers Should Not Become Managers (Unless They Should)
Far too often, developers move into management roles for the wrong reasons and without adequate preparation. The erroneous view that management represents a promotion for developers causes mismatched expectations and… Read more…
Business Work Better
Jamie Strachan
Info-Tech Research Group
Everyone Speaks Design
Fun, corporate, quirky, intense, basic, sexy – these are all words people use when talking about design, but what do they really mean? We tend to think that only designers… Read more…
Strategy UX/UI Work Better
Matt Hryhorsky
A journey through the history of web media and technology, into the future of world building, digital events, portals and realities. The new type of storytelling involving web, XR, and… Read more…
Art Experiential Futurism
Marpi Studio
FaCSSt: CSS and Performance
Ahh… CSS and performance. Two of Harry’s favourite things! But how well do they play together? It depends… In this very matter-of-fact talk, he’ll be looking at all of the… Read more…
CSS Design Performance
Harry Roberts
CSS Wizardry Ltd.
Fortify Your UX
Brands and products today, more than ever, differentiate themselves in the market through delivering better user experiences than their competition. Most frequently, the entire burden of user research falls within… Read more…
Design Process UX/UI
Zuzana Sekerova
Free Massages with League
Relax and chat with League in the B-Side including complimentary massage therapy between sessions! Monday October 1 9am- 11am Lunch Break 4:30pm-5:15pm Tuesday October 2 8:30 – 11:00 Read more…
Sponsored Work Better
Gender Diversity in Technical Leadership: Round Table
Tech companies control almost every facet of daily life, from communication to transportation. With that kind of impact, it’s too big a responsibility for any single demographic to have full… Read more…
Collaboration Diversity & Inclusion Work Better
Andréa Crofts
Generative Environments
In this session Marpi will be using Three.js / WebGL to code an infinite, random landscape. He’ll then fill it with a lot of small moving things like digital pets to… Read more…
Live Coding Process The B-Side
Marpi Studio
Hacking Authenticity for Sales
Kevin will use tips and tricks gained from his 30 years’ experience in sales and advertising to
increase your sales. Using real world examples, case studies and actionable strategies… Read more…
Business Marketing Pitching
Kevin Airgid
Airgid Media Inc.
How AI Technology Will Affect Product Design
With the proliferation of chatbots and voice-only UIs like Alexa and Google Home, AI has already had a marked impact on the variety of design projects coming to designers. But… Read more…
AI Design UX/UI
How to Learn Fast and Fail Small So You Don’t Fail Slow and Huge
As innovators and problem solvers, we’re great at finding problems and coming up with brilliant new solutions. But how do we know if our ideas will actually be successful? Far… Read more…
Innovation Strategy Work Better
​Pansy Lee
Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment
Human vs. AI: Mobile Apps with Vue.js, ML Kit and NativeScript
If you’ve been amazed by the game shows and intelligence challenges that pit humans against AIs, such as the Alpha Go tournament and TV’s “Beat Shazam”, get ready for the… Read more…
Jen Looper
Hyper-Lightweight Websites
The average website loads over 1.5MBs of content per page, making over 75 requests. Many popular websites are serving over 5MBs just to load their homepages. And these numbers represent… Read more…
Front-End Performance Web Dev
Chris Zacharias
Inclusive Form Inputs
What if form inputs were representative of our modern society, and operated in spectrums rather than binaries? It’s time we re-think this age-old input pattern. As developers, product designers, and… Read more…
Ethics UX/UI Work Better
Andréa Crofts
Incremental Development: Maintaining and Improving Long-Lived Websites
Micro-sites need not apply! It’s great fun to be able to build something totally from scratch using the latest and greatest frameworks available. But what about those legacy sites that… Read more…
DevOps Web Dev Work Better
Anne Thomas
Out of the Sandbox
International is the New Mobile First
This year Shopify launched in 6 new languages. In this talk, you’ll gain insight about how international is forcing them to fundamentally shift their way of thinking. In the same… Read more…
Process Strategy UX/UI
Robyn Larsen
International Growth @ Shopify
Iterative UX at Google Search
Working on Google’s twenty-year-old flagship product comes with unique opportunities and challenges. Everyone wants to craft interesting, novel experiences, but how do we do that when shipping broken experiences is… Read more…
Design Process UX/UI
Yerusha Nuh
Google (Search)
Life of a Senior Dev
You’ve been a developer for 10 years, maybe more, maybe less, but they call you the “senior developer”. So now what? How does your experience shape what you do while… Read more…
Panel Web Dev Work Better
Live Coding a WebVR Project
With more and more VR devices reaching the market, the need for a build-once-deploy-everywhere platform is becoming obvious. That’s where the web and the new WebVR and WebXR APIs come… Read more…
Creative Code Live Coding VR
Ricardo Cabello
lol computer y tho
What’s a Mozilla? How come it’s always Hello World? Why are there 153 color keywords, not 151 or 154? Who chose them? Whether you’re learning from teachers or on your… Read more…
Inspire The B-Side Web Dev
Zoe Daniels
Machine Learning with scikit-learn
Machine learning is more popular than ever and it has become an essential piece of many modern web apps. Apps that leverage it are able to gain valuable insights from… Read more…
AI DataViz Libraries
Rob McDiarmid
Math in Motion
Move, bounce, orbit, follow, stretch, and tween. Making things move can add visual interest, enhance interaction, or just be a fun exercise. Whether you’re building a game, app, or digital… Read more…
Animation Creative Code Motion
Grant Skinner
Our Human Experience
As we create and build the future of tech, it’s important to take a step back and examine our life experiences and how they impact our decisions and form our… Read more…
Social Innovation The B-Side Work Better
Haris Mahmood
Planet of APIs: A Tale of Performance & User Experience
A quarter century has passed since the first browser was released. Tim Berners-Lee’s pioneering followed by Marc Andreessen’s groundbreaking Mosaic came Navigator, spawning an industry that regaled in loading information… Read more…
Front-End Performance Web Dev
Henri Helvetica
Prototyping for Speed & Scale
Prototyping is the most effective design method for cultivating a shared understanding of your idea, validating your design thinking, and communicating your vision to users and stakeholders alike. This session… Read more…
Creative Code UX/UI Work Better
Carl Sziebert
Rapid Prototyping with Vue.js
Ever feel like the design process is a drag? You’ve gotta do some research, define some wireframes, maybe do some high fidelity mockups? Sometimes talking gets in the way of… Read more…
Frameworks Front-End JavaScript
Bermon Painter
Responsive Design: Beyond Our Devices
Responsive designers now focus on _patterns_: reusable design modules we stitch together into larger layouts. But how should those patterns adapt, and when? And how do we design with them?… Read more…
Collaboration Design Responsive
Ethan Marcotte
Retaking Control of the Web
Remember when you were in control? The web unleashed the creativity of everyone with a computer, creating new careers and new companies for anyone who could stand up a website… Read more…
JavaScript Open Source Web Dev
Sandro Pasquali
Bulldog and Fisk
Serverless Functions and Vue.js
Serverless is the most clickbaity title for an actually interesting thing. Despite the name, serverless does not mean you’re not using a server, rather, the promise of serverless is to… Read more…
Vue Web Dev
Sarah Drasner
Test Driven Infrastructure
Test driven development is a popular concept in software development, leading to higher quality code that’s easier to maintain. Automated testing is normally a foreign concept in the operations world,… Read more…
DevOps Frameworks Performance
Arthur Maltson
Capital One Canada
The Art of Lazy Loading
This talk will cover the concept of lazy loading in detail and how you can apply the design pattern to multiple different facets of your web page. Objective Explain the… Read more…
Front-End Interaction JavaScript
Houssein Djirdeh
Google Chrome
The React Cookbook: Advanced Recipes to Level Up Your Next App
It’s finally happened: your React project has grown from fledgling side-hobby into serious web application! Will your architecture hold up to your project’s new found scale, or will you let… Read more…
Front-End JavaScript React
Simon Bloom
Think Like a Hacker: Avoiding Common Web Vulnerabilities
Cybersecurity is still often overlooked in our industry. Clients don’t necessarily see the impact of the work we do to secure applications, and that can make it hard to prioritize… Read more…
Foundations Security
Kristina Balaam
TypeScript: State of the Union
TypeScript has come such a long way in the last few years, and in this talk Microsoft MVP for TypeScript – James will walk you through the latest and greatest… Read more…
JavaScript Libraries Work Better
James Henry
UX and Blockchain
Blockchain is an emerging technology that has incredible potential, but how does that affect UX designers and their users? Though research methods may be similar, designers will face new and… Read more…
Blockchain Innovation UX/UI
Stephanie Nguyen
Variable Fonts and Dynamic Typography with CSS
Scalable systems with modern CSS techniques. Newer developments in CSS make it easier than ever to create robust, scalable, elegant typographic systems on the web and in apps. But the… Read more…
CSS Design Front-End
Jason Pamental
Variations on a Theme
There are a bunch of reasons you might want to theme your application. Everything from adding a dark mode to your website, to white labeling a corporate web application. This… Read more…
CSS Design Front-End
Paul Grant
Martello Technologies
VS Live Share Can Do That?
VS Live Share is a free code collaboration service for VS Code. Think of it as Google Docs for your JavaScript files. Multiple developers can collaborate on the same project… Read more…
Collaboration Innovation Work Better
Burke Holland
Watch This Space
The web has been good to us and it is more amazing than ever – from a technical perspective. The problem is that it has become a given – not… Read more…
Front-End Web Dev Work Better
Christian Heilmann
We All Live in a Yellow (Serverless) Submarine
The term “serverless” is finding it’s way into everyday development, but is it more than just a buzzword? In this talk, Luke will go over the idea of serverless, and… Read more…
JavaScript Web Dev
Luke DeWitt
WebAssembly Demystified
A revolution is about to begin. WebAssembly (aka wasm) is shipping in all modern browsers, but since it’s (intentionally) very low level, it can be difficult to understand how it… Read more…
Experiential Innovation Performance
Jay Phelps
This Dot, Inc.
What’s New in React?
JavaScript is constantly changing — it sure can be hard to keep up. This talk will dive into some of the new aspects of react as well as some of… Read more…
Animation JavaScript React
Wes Bos
Workshop: Intermediate React
THIS WORKSHOP IS SOLD OUT Note: This workshop is 10am to 5pm on Sunday, September 30 (Grab a WORKS or WORKSHOP Ticket). This workshop will help you solidify your knowledge… Read more…
Intermediate React Workshop
Wes Bos
Workshop: Front-End Performance: Building Faster Websites
THIS WORKSHOP IS SOLD OUT Note: This workshop is 10am to 5pm on Sunday, September 30 (Grab a WORKS or WORKSHOP Ticket). Overview Every case-study, every report, and every bit… Read more…
Front-End Intermediate Performance Workshop
Harry Roberts
CSS Wizardry Ltd.
Workshop: Next Steps With CSS Layout
Note: This workshop is 10am to 5pm on Sunday, September 30 (Grab a WORKS or WORKSHOP Ticket). Overview In this workshop you’ll explore the new features available for CSS Layout… Read more…
CSS Intermediate Workshop
Rachel Andrew
What’s up, dudes and dudettes! Get into the totally rad world of making your website tubular with themes! In this gnarly demo, Paul is going to structure your SCSS files… Read more…
Live Coding The B-Side
Paul Grant
Martello Technologies
Your CSS Layout Toolkit for 2019
As we head into the final quarter of 2018, let’s take a look at where we are with CSS Grid Layout, and CSS layout in general. In this talk you… Read more…
CSS Front-End Web Dev
Rachel Andrew