Have you ever run into issues crossing corporate proxies when streaming Flash video? What are the most robust and efficient methods for integrating a CDN reliably into your streaming Flash video project? Can you use an off-the shelf Adobe FLVPlayback component? Thierry Curis from Akamai will share his tips on best practices for delivering Flash streaming content over a CDN and tips for achieving optimal performance including connecting to a content delivery network, IP resolution, port/protocol negotiation, proxy issues, bandwidth detection, and dynamic buffering strategies. He will walk through step by step, how to modify a standard Adobe component to implement all of these best practices and do a live player-development walk-through.
Who this presentation is for:
Flash creative professionals and developers
Interactive Designers
Interactive producers
Digital video producers
What attendees will walk away with:
*Understand what happens to your video once it is served.
*Tips for optimizing video for delivery on a CDN
*Best practices for building customized FLV players
*How to achive the highest possible video for the best user experience