Shadows of light bulbs that form words, flower petals that create calendar events, and walls that mimic you – let’s talk about real world versions of mixed reality. Join me in that blurry line between the two worlds, a fantastical haze created without AR, interactive experiences where you can make eye contact and share a laugh with who you’re with.
This session will examine the possibilities for interactive animations to be part of our physical environments, to envelop us – to be useful, informative and beautiful additions to where we live and play. The team at Red Paper Heart have been investigating technologies that allow them to present the digital realm in a relatable form. Founder and Creative Director Zander Brimijoin will share how the Red Paper Heart team uses AI, transparent screens, projection mapping, sensors, material overlays, and tangible interfaces in a quest to blend realities without headsets or phones – and ultimately why that’s useful for creating emotional connections.
To discuss a more human future for digital interactions to gracefully integrate with physical spaces.
Things audience members will learn
- Creative ways to mix realities
- The effect that blending technology into the physical world has on people
- Ideas that come from using technology incorrectly
- Emotional limitations of AR
Target Audience
Tinkerers, creators, tech explorers