Spotlight UX/UI 2019

2019-06-14 00:00:00 2019-06-15 00:00:00 America/Toronto Spotlight UX/UI 2019 User experience and interface (UX/UI) design is still one of the fastest growing fields of web design, and the discipline is constantly changing and innovating.  From commercial and retail platforms needing to keep up with the user’s habits of scrolling and shopping on the go,… Toronto FITC EST Toronto



Learn how to uncover user motivations through behaviour research utilizing ‘Wizard of Oz prototyping’. Challenge your team to think outside of their box, and synthesize research findings into product strategy. A case study from GoPro will be used as en example.


To share methodology for behaviour research.

Target Audience

UX designers, product managers, and software developers

Assumed Audience Knowledge

Mid level UX design knowledge

Five Things Audience Members Will Learn

  1. Types of prototyping and types of research
  2. What is Wizard of Oz prototyping
  3. The experiment process
  4. Moderating research with Wizard of Oz prototyping
  5. Interpreting findings