This fast paced session is focused on today’s need for vastly multi-disciplinary skillet an agency must utilize in order to deliver memorable experiences. We cover these disciplines, tools and processes to show what’s needed to bring it all together in Flash.
* 3D in Flash (AMPD, Corpse Bride, Star Wars EP3, Flash 10yr Anniversary Website)
* Live Video Production – Live Video Shoots, Storyboards & Challenges
* Motion Graphics – AfterFX, Post, Keying, Desktop and Server Side Encoding(Cranium Pop5 Video Shoot, Flash 10yr Anniversary)
* Rapid Prototyping for Mobile User Interfaces (AMPD)
* E-Commerce & Personalization in Flash (Stagr, AMPD)
* Audio (tools, theory, samples)
* Analytics (tracking)
* Coding Experiences as Applications (stability and scalability, OOP)
* Flash 8 Visual Features enhancing the experience while reducing file size
* Planning, Specification Documents, Wireframes as support tools and process