Think CSS isn’t important? Or just for girls? Or an afterthought like accessibility or security? Spoiler alert: you’re wrong (about all of those)! CSS has become the gateway drug for most novices and designers-turned-programmer; with preprocessors like LESS and SASS making it easier and easier for web developers to get further down the rabbit hole. In this talk, Kacey will cover a brief history of CSS and where it stands today, the difference between and how to use preprocessors, and where we can likely expect CSS to go in the future. If you’ve ever wondered why UX developers love LESS/SASS, why preprocessors are essential in todays tech stack, then this talk is for you!
Attempt to explain/dismystify CSS as it stands today
Target Audience
Anyone working in, or interested in, web development
Assumed Audience Knowledge
Little to no web development knowledge needed
Five things audience members will learn
- Why is CSS important
- What preprocessors do
- Some basic Sass mixins
- How preprocessors make your life easier
- How CSS is becoming more like JS