FITC Hollywood 2006

2006-10-05 00:00:00 2006-10-08 00:00:00 America/Toronto FITC Hollywood 2006 With the explosion of rich media and entertainment-driven Flash content, FITC is expanding to Hollywood, the capital of entertainment and rich media, providing a direct bridge from the key content industry drivers to the masters of the best technology to deliver that content. FITC Hollywood… Hollywood FITC Hollywood



Today, phones are no longer just a means of communication from one person to another; they are an interactive experience that many people today utilize everyday. In this presentation we are going to go over how the Live NationĀ¹s Interactive Venue Network (IVN) was used to accept text messages and images from cell phones and display them on screen at over 50 of the largest concert venues in the US. We will discuss some information about SMS servers, how to store the data sent in by the cell phone and then how to display that information on screen while covering technologies just as Java, FMS, and of course Flash and ActionScript.

Who this presentation is for:

Interactive Developers

What attendees will walk away with:How to Architect a flash app with cell phone interaction
An understanding of how SMS works.
Sample source code.