FITC Unconference @ MAX 2010
“Emergent Collective One” – All the Little Pieces…
Have you heard about Emergent Collective One? The free community compilation CD release full of music composed and produced by developers? We’ll dig into the nitty-gritty of conceiving, promoting, collecting,… Read more…
Joseph Labrecque
(in)appropriate gestures
Art-school exercise: pick a random material: respond to it. Design-school variation: respond to its shortcomings. Bonus exercise: reinterpret an existing artwork in the material.
Tim Kukulski is the lead technologist… Read more…
Tim Kukulski
10 Ways To Please Your Flex Dev
Creative Suite 5 and Flex 4 is changing the way designers and developers work together when creating Flex based applications. For designers, these updates are enabling a lot more control and… Read more…
3D Flash Gaming on TV
Join litl’s Kevin Suttle and Chuck Freedman, on stage together for the first time, as they play and step through the creation and future of the Flash gaming experience in… Read more…
A Component Set Called Stealth
The User Interface is changing. A better breed of components are required to live in a mobile, multi-screen world. As a full-featured component framework Stealth is engineered to make your… Read more…
Tyler Wright
Agile Project & Delivery Integration
How to get a project running smoothly from start until end. One of the biggest problems in any modern software environment is efficiency. A small project with one person is… Read more…
Michel Boudreau
Be Committed to Version Control, Learn Git
Learn how to start working with Git, an easy to use and mind-numbingly cool Distributed Version Control System (DVCS). Compared to other non-DVCS version control systems Git is very lightweight,… Read more…
Brian Connatser
Become a FMS Server Samurai with Multipass
For too long now the world of Flash Media Server has been a dark dungeon of despair for even the most courageous of developers. The silence of the dungeon was… Read more…
Sean McCracken
Coding The Universe
The Universe as we know it is made up of billions of celestial bodies and phenomena including stars, planets, nebula, comets, asteroids and black holes. In this presentation, Jon will… Read more…

Jon Keon
Cohesive Experiences Across Mediums
With new devices and the rate of mobile access to the internet growing every day, design paradigms are changing. Through practice we have found that one design strategy does not… Read more…

Dave Benton
Comparing Web Video Technologies, from Flash to HTML5 to Silverlight
Flash is dead. Long live HTML5. Or not? There’s a lot of misinformation spread by both standards and plug-in advocates. In this session, you will learn the benefits and disadvantages… Read more…

Robert Reinhardt
Deploying One App on Multiple Platforms
In this session we’ll cover an approach for developing flash content on multiple platforms in Flash Builder. What code goes where? How do I organize? I don’t want to write… Read more…

Ryan Canulla
Developing AIR for Android using Flash CS5
New to mobile development? Wondering how mobile applications are built? This presentation will walk you the entire development process of the [redacted] application from design to deployment. Chris Griffith will… Read more…
Chris Griffith
Digging Through The Flex Framework
To grow and succeed as a Flex developer there is one particular habit you want to develop. The curiosity and desire to dig through the Flex framework source. As you… Read more…
Javier Julio
Drawing, physics and multi-touch
Remon’s typical approach to inject motion and play into his design and using code as a designer to explore, test, and evolve interaction concepts showcases how blurring the line between… Read more…
Remon Tijssen
Facebook App Development with Flash
Facebook app development can be one of the most frustrating things for anyone to do. Even experience developers are plagued by sudden changes to the API, little to no documentation,… Read more…
Jacob Bullock
Flash, Android and Real-Time Geospatial Tracking
How many conference sessions have you been to that require somebody driving around the city in a car? How many let you see out of the windshield of that car,… Read more…
Kevin Hoyt
Get a Second Opinion with Code Review
Code review is an essential tool for effective teams, with many benefits. Code review helps teams adhere to a coding style, ensures that there are always two people who understand… Read more…
Kathryn Rotondo
Going Native In air 2.0
Learn to harness the power of native process binaries, one of Adobe AIR’s best kept secrets in this 30 minute talk. We will discuss the possibilities this opens up to… Read more…
Dino Petrone
IDE Showdown
You need the best tools to do your job. I’m putting FDT, FlashBuilder, FlashDevelop, and IntelliJ against each other in the ultimate IDE showdown for Flash and Flex developers. I’ll… Read more…
John Lindquist
litl hands-on Flash Channel Lab
Hang with members of the litl developer team, including Kevin Suttle, Ryan Canulla, Kathryn Rotondo, Brian Connatser, Chuck Freedman & more. They’ll show you how to get a quick start… Read more…
Pushing Pixels:
Blitting on Desktop, Web & Mobile
Blitting is a technique that allows you to rapidly draw bitmaps to a screen. This is one of the oldest techniques for displaying graphics on a screen and was used… Read more…

Jesse Freeman
Summer Fridays
Big Spaceship embarked on an experiment this past summer with our own version of summer fridays. Instead of sending the crew home on Friday afternoons, we instituted a ban on… Read more…

Joshua Hirsch
The Art of Computer Science
What do you really learn from more than 10,000 hours of programming in front of a cold, lifeless computer monitor? You learn that eight bits make a byte, you learn… Read more…
Ben Stucki
The evolving Away3D platform
Join Away3D founder Rob Bateman for a look at some of the more esoteric uses of Away3D in online and offline media. Read more…

Rob Bateman
The inside Scoop
Join Stacey Mulcahy (bitchwhocodes) for some impromptu and inside interviews with some surprise guests. Not to be missed. Read more…

Stacey Mulcahy
Microsoft Garage
The Lazy Programmer (and Phillip Puzzle Page CS5 drawing)
Are you a slacker? Always looking for shortcuts? Those aren’t personality flaws–they’re how good programmers turn difficult challenges into manageable tasks. In fact, if you’re a programmer spending most of… Read more…
Phillip Kerman
The shoemaker’s son always goes barfoot
The shoemaker’s son always goes barefoot… but the website of a multimedia agency must be state of the art!
Whenever a creation is labelled extraordinary it’s because it overwhelmed people… Read more…
Javier Julio
Things You Should Know About Web in Brazil
Hang with members of the litl developer team, including Kevin Suttle, Ryan Canulla, Kathryn Rotondo, Brian Connatser, Chuck Freedman & more. They’ll show you how to get a quick start… Read more…
Leon Kulikowski