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This year's inaugural NXNE Interactive 2010 was a tremendous success with over 400 attendees, 80 speakers, and tons of excitement. 2011 is going to be even more exciting! Right now we're looking for speakers who would like to be on a panel or give a presentation at NXNEi. Here's all the details:

Want to be part of NXNE Interactive? Have an issue you want to talk about or a unique perspective on a topic? We want to hear from you!

NXNE is looking for panel discussions and presentations that will provide a rich and valuable experience for our attendees. The topics can cross a multitude of disciplines that intersect with Interactive at some point. We've intentionally left out a "categories" field on the submission form because we don't want to box in your imaginations. Read through the following points and then go ahead and send us your panel and/or presentation ideas for NXNE Interactive.

  • IMPORTANT: in addition to our regular content, NXNE Interactive will incorporate music, film and television related sessions as well this year. We encourage you to submit ideas that have an interactive spin on these traditional media forms.
  • All submissions must be in by midnight October 31 and voting will open to the public in November.
  • By submitting a proposal you are not guaranteed acceptance and even after NXNE accepts a proposal we maintain the right to cancel it at any time.
  • If you submit a panel idea, NXNE expects that you will be able to commit the time necessary to help organize the panel, including finding panelists and moderators.
  • NXNE will review and will likely suggest some alternate panelists regardless of the panelists you put on your submission.
  • Please read out FAQ before submitting.

Submit Your Idea Now!