Next up in our series of speaker highlights Mikey Richardson and Steven Sacks let us know what's got their interest piqued at FITC.

Mikey Richardson of AmoebaCorp says:

I'm really looking forward to so many of the speakers this year.
Specifically, I'm planning to check out Marcos Chin, MK12, James
Patterson and Ron Gervais, but like past years at FITC, I know I'll
find some other presentations that will completely inspire me, and I
hope my presentation will inspire someone too.


Steven Sacks says:

First up is Lee Brimelow, one of my favorite evangelists is
representing again, this time with an introduction to ByteArrays and a
Flash CS4 Workshop. Plus, he'll be doing another of his famous Adobe
Master Collection dead drops, which is guaranteed to have people
running around Toronto at all hours hunting for it (myself included)!

R Blank always brings his trademarked energy and excitement and this
year is no exception. He's doing a presentation called "Get off your
ass and start using AS3 already!", and any presentation with
expletives and exclamation points in its title must be good.

I'm definitely checking out the MTV Jackass on AIR presentation. I
heard a bit about this particular AIR app and it sounded insanely bad
ass. I'm looking forward to finding out more about how they built

Read more on his blog