Bermon Painter presentingMeet FITC featured speaker
Bermon Painter

Bermon Painter is user experience designer and developer hybrid at Cardinal Solutions. He tinkers with all things web and loves Ruby. He's also heavily involved in the local tech community in Charlotte, NC and organizes Charlotte User Experience Designers, Charlotte Front-End Developers and Blend Conference. In his free time he works the folks @teamsassdesign on the redesign of the Sass website. Outside of technology he enjoys languages, speaks fluent Spanish, working on Italian, plays classical piano and enjoys visiting the beaches and mountains of Ecuador with his family.

1) Tell us about your early beginnings, how did you get your start? 

I was raised with technology. My father was a graphic design and I grew up watching him freelance from the house. I tinkered around with MacDraw Pro, some 3D software and Photoshop a fair bit growing up. When I turned 16 I started my first job at a small print shop in Alabama and worked through through High School. I remember cutting class to go to work. It was much more fun. Around 1999/2000 I was playing a lot of StarCraft and Diablo and had joined on online gaming guild called the Imperial Rulers of Destiny. Super geeky. A friend and I (who now works for Apple) played a lot and were promoted to high council members and the guild had a website. We both started tinkering with the HTML, learning FTP, and creating. It gave me a playground to learn more about the web, but I didn't really embrace it until almost 2004 when I got my first hybrid print/web designer role at an education/training company.

2) Can you share with us your latest project? 

I currently work with a handful of enterprise clients as a consultant through my employer, Cardinal Solutions, hiring user experience designers, front-end developers and helping them build cross-discipline teams. While I'm building out their teams the work typically involves helping bridge the gap between designers and developers and integrating user experience into their processes. Once the teams have been started I help them build coding standards and design systems in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript so that all teams are consistent and collaborating.

3) Do you have any future projects lined up, and can you share them with us? 

There are a few things in the works, or that have been recently completed:

1. Blend Conference: I just wrapped a large generalist, multi-track web conference in Charlotte. We sold out our first year, had some tasty food, and a nice gender diverse speaker lineup. We even ended up with 30% of our attendees being women.

2. I've been working with Jina Bolton and Michael Parenteau on the redesign of the Sass website. We're set to release the new version at SassConf this October (the week after Screens).

4) If you had one superpower (or wish), what would it be?

Healing Factor. Definitely a healing factor. I'm rarely sick but longevity of life free of major sickness would be pretty darn amazing.

5) Favourite music to work to? Any specific artists?

My music depends on my mood or the phase of a project that I'm working on.

1. Metal. I'm talking loud, fast and angry. I use it to block out any other thoughts or distractions and find that it's useful when I'm reading or writing code. Some of my favourites are 5 Finger Death Punch, Rob Zombie, and In This Moment.

2. Soundtracks / Classical. I this type of music when I'm thinking through problems on paper or the whiteboard, creating, or designing something. I've played classical music on the piano for over 20 years. My favorite to listen to or play is Sergei Rachmaninoff. A couple of my preferred score composers are John Williams and Danny Elfman.

Bermon Painter logo6) If there was one person dead or alive you could have dinner with, who would it be and why?

My grandfather who is also a Bermon. He died before I was born from lung cancer and I never met him. I've heard amazing stories and think it would be darn nice to sit down with him over dinner and listen to him talk about his life.

Appreciate you sharing with us, Bermon! 

Bermon presented Building A Mobile Prototyping Framework with Grunt, Yeoman, Bower & Sass and CSS Pre-Processors: Sass, Less, & Stylus at SCREENS 2013.