2011-11-14 00:00:00 2011-11-16 00:00:00 America/Toronto SCREENS 2011 After two successful FITC Mobile conferences we have transformed the event into SCREENS, now dedicated to mobile, tablet and set top box development. Jam packed with information and a massive networking opportunity, SCREENS consists of presentations, demonstrations and panel discussions. It is one of the… Toronto FITC Toronto



Matthew Patience and Greg Carron of Mobicartel are proud to put on display the inner workings of their latest in-house product, TwitHaus. As a tablet optimized Twitter client for Android it is making waves in the Android Community and is quickly becoming known as the sublime of all Twitter clients. Hang out with the developers as they talk on topics such as Tablet best practices, design, user experience, and polish. Audience members will also get a thorough experience in to using Android 3.0 Honeycomb API’s.

Highlights: Android Tablet Development, Tablet Design and User Experience, Polishing Apps with Animation, Android 3.0 Honeycomb API’s