Los Angeles-based cartoonist Jennifer Shiman is best known for her award-winning series of Flash-animated shorts featuring movies summarized in 30 seconds and re-enacted by bunnies. Her bunny parodies began as an online portfolio project in 2004 and now appear via broadcast and on-demand through Starz Entertainment Group. Additionally, select bunny shorts formed the backbone of the DDB Germany/Volkswagen Fox campaign, winning advertising awards at Cannes, the New York ADC Festival, and the London International Awards. In 2008 the bunnies won two Webby awards for outstanding animated online series and the People’s Voice in that category. Shiman has taught comic art workshops at the Museum of Contemporary Art and the Marwen Foundation in Chicago, as well as the Los Angeles Public Library. She has been avidly drawing cartoons and reading comics since age six.
FITC Hollywood 2006