Elise is a quick-witted creative director and writer known for her award-winning work, attention to detail and sass. Her work has been sifted out by D&AD, Cannes, The One Show, Communication Arts, ADCC, Applied Arts, CMYK, Coupe, Marketing Awards, Media Innovation Awards and Telly Awards. Often called candid, blunt and ballsy, Elise is a woman of action who prefers a cut-to-the-chase approach. She hates meetings and people that talk in circles, so she told traditional agency life to take a hike and launched Pony Friday: a hybrid creative marketing boutique and motivational lifestyle brand. She is currently devoting her energy, enthusiasm and leadership to Pony Friday by collaborating with likeminded creatives to produce bold communication and fun merch. Elise describes it as the only job she hasn’t wanted to quit. She is determined to live life on her own terms and set an example for others do the same.