Corey is a data experience developer at Thomson Reuters Labs. The Waterloo Region Lab is located at Communitech, in the Waterloo Region, with the goal of delivering new products and services to Thomson Reuters through data science and data visualization. Prior to Thomson Reuters Labs, Corey taught internet marketing at Conestoga College and worked as a web design and web development consultant at PMG Intelligence. Beyond that he also helped launch and provide the growth strategy for one of Canada’s largest online research panels, Qbord.
As a data experience developer, Corey’s goal is to tell the story of the data. Much in the same way that one should never undertake a software project without a UX designer, data projects should never be delivered without data visualization. To bring the data to life, Corey leverages the skillsets of a designer, a web developer, and a data engineer.
In his spare time, Corey enjoys kayaking, fishing, tinkering with technology, and surprising people by starting conversations in Mandarin.