Creative Director, Founder / PARTY
栃木県生まれ。電通を経て、2011年クリエイティブラボ「PARTY」を設立。当初は、斬新なアプローチのバナー広告を次々と発表していたが、やがてキャンペーン全体を手がけるようになる。Web技術から広告アイデアを企画するテクニカルディレクターとして、ユニクロ、ホンダ、ソニーなどのブランドを手がける。カンヌ国際広告祭、One Show、D&AD、NYADC、ロンドン広告賞、AdFest、文化庁メディア芸術祭など、内外200以上の広告賞を受賞、審査員歴多数。よしもとの動画ポータル「YNN」プロジェクトなど、広告・メディアの枠を超えた幅広い領域で活躍。『Webデザインの「プロだから考えること」』(共著) 上梓。

Hiroki started his career as a freelance web designer/engineer, and later joined Dentsu in 2002 as a technical director, responsible of realizing advertising ideas from a technological standpoint.
His early works mainly focused on creating web banners with cutting edge approach, but his interest later shifted towards designing integrated campaigns. Founding a Creative Lab “PARTY” in 2011, Hiroki has contributed to numerous works as a Creative Director.
While creating campaigns for clients including UNIQLO, Honda, and Sony, beyond the field of advertising, Hiroki has eagerly worked on projects such as “YNN”, an online video service for comedies. Besides from being a jury himself, he has won many awards around the globe including, Cannes Lions, One Show, D&AD, and London International Awards.