TypeScript is a type-checked superset of JavaScript that benefits medium-sized to complex JavaScript projects. Why would you want to learn a new language, instead of another JavaScript framework? You have all this existing JavaScript code, so how can you adopt something new without throwing the old stuff out?
This session is about the benefits of using TypeScript on top of JavaScript in your projects, and demonstrate step by step ways of migrating an existing JavaScript project to TypeScript. We will dive into code generated by the compiler and look at resources and tools that make working in TypeScript a pleasurable experience.
To understand when it’s a good idea to use TypeScript.
Target Audience
JavaScript developers.
Assumed Audience Knowledge
Intermediate JavaScript experience.
Five things audience members will learn
- The basics of TypeScript – types, classes, modules, and functions
- How TypeScript’s design makes getting started simple and helps projects
- What compiled TypeScript looks like and how to debug
- What tools can help take advantage of TypeScript’s type information
- How to migrate a JavaScript project to TypeScript